Home of pleasing to God (not corrected)
Home of pleasing to God
(Genesis 2:18-25).
18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
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Satan desire trying to destroy the two groups in this world always, the first is the Church of Christ, the second is a happy family.
In this era, The most heartbreaking thing is the destruction of foundation of happy family & sweet home.
In view of People not only, even the sight of God is never to be good rather than families will be broke away. I want to introduce that” there are two kinds of family” in this world. The first that does not like God and the second family is pleasing to God. We must to make our home as what God be pleased home as possible as.
So, how can we make our home which let be rejoice in his sight of God ?
First, Let’s be foundation of our home to God.
If you see Matthew chapter 7, we can see two men who built his house upon the sand or built his house upon a rock. Who built his house upon the sand raining and flooding, and the winds blew severe that house was going to collapse. But other man’s house upon a rock, the floods came, raining and the wind was severe but the house did not fall down.
Now a day, when we control our home, What will be your method & theory? You can make you home by your think and wisdom, or can lead by the word of God. It’s your choice.
If you lead your home by the humanism or philosophy of man without the faith, your home must be as like which is on the basement of sand.(Matthew chapter 7)
If you read I Samuel, chapter 2, you can see priest "Eli". He had two sons, 'hophni' and 'Phinehas' that he had two sons.
v.12 says,” Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD “
.Hophni and Phinehas, the Bible has been called ‘Belial’l [bíːliəl].
So, Hophni and Phinehas, hooked and take the best meat part from the sacrifice at the rites of the people’s offerings, before serving and worship God.
It’s a same deed to steal God’s own.
And verses13~17 says that,” 13 And the priest's custom with the people was, that, when any man offered sacrifice, the priest's servant came, while the flesh was in seething, with a fleshhook of three teeth in his hand;
14 And he struck it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the fleshhook brought up the priest took for himself. So they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that came thither.
15 Also before they burnt the fat, the priest's servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest; for he will not have sodden flesh of thee, but raw.
16 And if any man said unto him, Let them not fail to burn the fat presently, and then take as much as thy soul desireth; then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I will take it by force.
17 Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.
It’s the shares of the priest that the part of offering is which is priests stirred up with a hook to take anything what was hooked.
But, two brother took only nice part of offering than bad part. The other offense of them is that They committed adultery with woman who work in the temple .
So, they broke God's commandments and defiled the sanctuary of God.
At last, God rebuked and cursed to Eli & his family.
I Samuel,2:34 says, And this shall be a sign unto thee, that shall come upon thy two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas; in one day they shall die both of them.”
"Why are you better than me thy son hath despised me junghage mojo said".
So in the end God's anger falls in the home, Hophni and Phinehas, were carrying the ark, the Philistines go out to battle in the war Eli the priest was slain by the edge of the surprise he woke up to hear the news fell a broken neck was dead. Daughter-in-law giving birth to a child in the house the world has let slip away. Not only that, but there are no seniors in the family who is cursed. The descent was the poverty and poverty has been brought. Eli, a young man's family all died.
A result of God jinnoke Eli's family as well as the home of Adam was even. This assumption also due to the disobedience of Adam in the Garden of Eden, the price was out.
Therefore, on the basis of faith in God, a man building a house, not just to design a house on the rock of my life is one who can stand out.
God hath made mankind's first husband, Adam, Eve was made. And the first man to design the ideal home for the family and I then blessed.
"Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth," he pax blessing, as well as the ability to lead his family, wisdom, and gave the blessing. "Conquering and to preserve and dozens of thriving and lira," the devil.
Therefore, the assumption that you really pleasing to God if you want to achieve, home design and to bless their families and their families the ability to lead us home on a foundation of faith in God is pleasing to God only when we build that can achieve that will be home.
Why do many families today are unhappy? Why is not that good would that be? Jer 2:13 Bible section, "two kinds of evil to my people, a forsaken me the fountain of living water that is sold as pools of their own pools of water savings that can not geotinde toed ungdeongyira says,".
See also Chapter 2, Section 19, "the Lord thy God in me and abandoned me without fear of evil, torment, know it," he said.
God, feeling the tragedy of today is the start of the home, the home is rooted in misery right there. God does not design homes around the center of the world, nor self-centered or humanistic out around the home led to unhappiness because it wants to create homes that will come out. Apart from God as well as honor and power and gold digging wells to try to find happiness, because there, the Scriptures say, it went screwy, and will puddle.
Does what happens in puddles blows? The water will leak all this mean, going all the happiness it will leak.
Bonuideun not matter, those who make the same mistake a lot we can see today. Christ the world is more important than the people who think there is plenty that will.
IS that person, the assumption in the end, who built his house upon the sand just as easily see the results that Obama is unraveling.
Therefore, we made the assumption that God delights will strive to go.
Obedience to God is a second home.
Eden, the original word "happiness" that he has to say. Adam and Eve, God made he gave the home I live, and then logged nurimyeo blessing in the garden of happiness. Adam and Eve, in obedience to the will of God, if anyone that God gave Adam and Eve did not have people take away the blessing. However, it was Adam and Eve rebelled against God. Gotta have defected.
You have disobeyed God. To not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and eat the fruit have been lost.
God declared its independence and become like God by his own, which will eventually rebelled against God. The temptations of Satan takes flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life to people living along the flesh away jeonrakhae have been lost. As a result of fear and shame and guilt away captive to their hearts have been lost. Expelled from the Garden of Eden, bushes and thorns and thistles and thorns of the length from there I started. Bringing back the pain of labor to the woman, the pains of childbirth, illness and suffering of humanity and nature, anyone know where to find the pain of death was
Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel was born. However, like the hatred of Cain, got jealous, stop tragedy of his brother Abel chyeojukyineun appears lost.
Why such misery in the home of Adam and Eve, not that happen in people's homes today, would that be? Immediately it is because of the disobedience to the Word of God.
At the time of the Exodus, Jericho, which had low level job in the parasitic 'Rahab' belief in God were Thus, by the people of Israel and kindness to him and his relatives and family were able to salvage it. Rahab was a blessing. And that is an ancestor of Jesus Christ get the glory and honor is was not.
Another look at John chapter 2 of Galilee, there was a wedding feast in Ghana. When ripe, long feast, the wine that smells of the ground lost. The wedding feast is not opened, the home side could not floored. At this point Jesus had placed six stone water jars to fill because the commandment of Jesus to the servant is filled with water up to subregion. He filled them with water, this time scooping water to bring to the banquet table and give hamae scooping water into a servant of Jesus' commandment to bring him go, the water was about the wine has. Geuksangpum it was it was called wine. Were able to overcome the crisis. Received the blessing of God. Many people have the ability not to be praised.
Today, you and I will be obedient to the Word of God as the means mulmat no value, no goals, no fun, no joy in this world as a home in this wine, full of hope and joy into the home the fact that changes Believe in hope.
Life will be tasty. Saved. Were we in a jar full of wine as an empty jar in our life, God's blessings and joy will abound in the fact that when you believe.
Home and pleasing to God the Father of Jesus Christ's word and obey the will gajeongin.
Person to sail without a compass and map shall not be sailing? Plans to build a house without people shall not build a house? What will we do without the plan shall not do what? Without the words to live my life without God, and to try to build our homes to sail without a compass and map will be of the same party.
The last, third, home is home to build an altar.
Referred to as the father of faith, that is a blessing wherever you go, Abraham built an altar has said. Children of the east for the happiness of the righteous Job, built an altar that the Bible is a record.
Acts chapter 10, God has blessed two families go Do you remember coming up yidalriya president of the military uncle, Cornelius has had feared God with all his house. In other words, their families together and call on the name of God means that the home is built an altar.
Moses and the Hebrew people, God has ordered as follows:
"God Himself to the people of Israel todaneul built on top of it your burnt offerings and peace offerings of sheep and cattle and offer you" It's always a believer in Jesus as the center of the altar will become alone .. is farewell easy for you.
Based on the altar of your home, please gasigil alive.
At home, our family has a small altar in the center of the altar and our families to become home Bible Church is encouraging.
Some Christians today's families do not receive the blessing of God of pity lie please? Strengthen our home altars in their homes are likely to SEOIL sewooji will not.
Today the church is the mother of most of the early church was begun in all the house churches. Church of the first born of the early church in Jerusalem was even starting from the attic of Mark. Philippi Church of Lydia begins at home, and the Aquila, a couple at home, began the church in Ephesus. Laodicean church at the house of the rumba, Thessalonica, the church began at the house of Jason, will be.
So, today, our homes, the home altar of God should be enshrined. Shattered by the contraction of the home altar, the altar once again call upon the name of God, that must be built will be. Personal piety, worship should be home. Most of the children must be assumed that the pattern of worship. Worship area should be assumed. My father and mother of the family should be a shepherd to be like a Sunday school teacher. So two mulryeojugo faith posterity, our children are nourished by prayer and the word should have a godly home.
By doing so, not pleasing to God in the home will be.
Britain has ever produced a great preacher Spurgeon spoke above. "He does not say a family worship Woe."
Village Christian thinker in Japan woojji tide (naechon Gamsam) likewise spoke. "What is needed in the home is not the property nor joy in the world. Home that is required is a small altar. Tell it on the daily sacrifice of prayer jimeurosseo will become a happy home," he said.
Japan's "Hayashi Mt. Bases> Christians are called to battle during World War II was that, left his wife and family members gathered," I'd got in the military family worship, family altar, family prayer thats Continue, "he Glucose Shinshin You have to.
He listened to her husband to war while her husband put together all the family home every worship service. Family worship its favor in a big boy getting touched by the doctor went to medical school has been received. Eventually became Japan's special envoy. So jepaen raepeolsi Mission (Japan leprosy mission) is to create a Leprosy Mission India and Nepal in Asia and elsewhere to supply drugs to the mission of God, and will continue today.
Women in difficult circumstances during the war in being weak, he was able to raise their children properly would you do? How could they prove it was such a great person, please? God laid it home because the home church to be yes.
Even today, the home of our Christian homes, homes built an altar and called the name of the Lord God faithful and diligent to serve, he'd come home, always believe in blessings.
Moses' successor, Joshua, the words of the last will and testament was as follows.
"Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in truth shall be your fathers served on the other side of the river and the Egyptians put away the gods in serving the Lord, to serve ten thousand and one was not good for you've seen in your fathers served on the other side of the river god hump at the gods of the Amorites the land ye dwell time should choose only those you serve me and my house, we will serve the Lord. "
Today, most of all households!
What’s your choices? Organize their own lives and history of today hasimyeo Are the heavens and the Lord God who runs? Around the philosophy of materialism, or humanism or evolution, or are you?
Only my family , will serve the Lord. How about you!!!!????
Let’s pray.
Edit: 05/07/2012 ikseon,