Five meanings of the Holy Communion(막 14:22-26)
Five meanings of the Holy Communion(막 14:22-26)
22 And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body.
23 And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it.
24 And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.
25 Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
26 And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.
Today we will going to do the Holy Communion. Why church have to do Holy Communion? what happens during communion? How communion help us with our faith? For those questions we need to fine textural support from the bible.
1)First of all, in holy communion means thanks.
The "Holy Communion" is in "Eucharist" original bible, and this means ceremony of thanks. When Jesus had supper on the Passover, he cheers with his glass. Cheers in the text means thanks, in other words, we have to be thankful to what God have been done to our life and his grace.
Paul said "give thanks in all circumstances."
We have to thankful for the food he gave us, our life and healthiness that he gave us, for beautiful nature that he gave us, Job and income that he gave us, parents and family that he gave us, and for gave us the church we can serve Jesus!
Moreover, we have to thanks for the harvest season, because when farming fails, causes economic problem, so we have to thanks God for the appropriate sun light, and rain. Also Rain and Sun light have huge effect on human health to, too may sun light cause skin cancer, and less sunlight can cause osteoporosis and ends up dying.
So doctors recommend ladies to stay under the sun light for at least 20~30 mins.
Today is Thanks Giving weekend! what a beautiful day?
We have to thankful because where we live. South Korea has small land so we cannot harvest tropical fruits. However this country has enormous land so, most of agricultural products are cheap. Last week I saw the price of Pomegranate it was 8~9 dollars for 4, but in Korea one Pomegranate is over 4 dollars so for 4 would be around 20 dollars in Korea. Plus U.S is oil producer so 1 gallon is 4 dollars but in Korea is 2 dollars per liter so if transfer to gallon it will be 7.50 in Korea. We have to thanks to God for all of this grace.
But what is most thankful thing? it is the grace and gift that Jesus Christ crucified because of our sins! and now he took all of our sins! We have to thankful for his sacrifice and hardships! that is why we are doing holy communion.
Secondly there is Holy communication in Holy Communion.
Holy communication means is spiritual communication between Jesus and us the child of God . When we share the wine and bread, we are becoming a family. Same blood line, we become a life formed organization.
The bread we will eat today is, made with one sack of flour, and same water, one type of sort, and on the same pan. Which means we all going to eat exact same bread like family and we all is a one bread!(Body of Jesus)
We share bread and make sure that we are one brothers and sisters, and confess that we are a family in name of Jesus. We share sadness, happiness, love, blessing, and serve Jesus together. This is the definition of Holy Communication
Third, in Holy Communion means "Witness of Jesus"
Chatolric church use a word Missa instead of holy communion. The word Missa is originated from the latin word Mittere which means dismissed, dispatched
So when the prist says "let's spread gospel because Missa is end" is means we all charged up with blessing of God so let's go back to our life and spread Gospel.
Also the word Mission and Missionary is from Mittere.
We are dispatched through Holy Communion. So 1st Corinthians 11:26 says " For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come."
The people who join the holy communion become witness of Jesus and received mission to spread gospel as well.
Forth, in holy communion we share.
We consider this ceremony as sharing to point out the part when Jesus had last supper with his disciples, he break the bread and gave to them. In other word, Holy Communion is Jesus gave himself to us, and we have to spread our loves to our neighbors too.
There is a gap between rich and poor. There is difference between Good food and junk food. There is discrimination between hungry people and full people.. Anyways on the table of Jesus there is no discrimination, they share exact same thing in same quantity. The symbol of Jesus Christ! Fair, Justice, Joyful society that we can call heaven. In this world there is no place like that. Communist government people live well, but common people are starved to death.
But there is no discrimination in the Kingdom of God! and Holy Communion represent that fairness and justice.
Fifth, The Holy Communion means contract.
When we spotlighting the meaning of Holy Communion in Contract we call Communion as Sacrament.
the Sacrament is when the Roman soldiers vow the loyalty to the emperor.
God blessed us either spiritual and physical way by the objective symbol the bread and wine, and we vow our love and faith and obey to God.
In the Holy Communion we can find many meanings about service, but most of all the meaning of Holy Communion is based on atonement redemption.
When right before Jesus sold by Judas, he had his last supper with his disciples. And said " this is my body."
And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it. And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.
As he said he became scapegoat for us and crucified, and his bloodshed on the earth for sacrifice.
Because he died we can live, because his sacrifice we got salvation, and because his pain and blood our live can be meet perfection.
Holy Communion is for memorial of Jesus gave us live. Paul said we have to keep doing this until Jesus comes back. Now we remember the meanings in our heart by joining the ceremony, and fill your heart with Jesus so our soul can stay healthy. Let's not forget the precious meaning of Holy Communion!
Order of Holy communion
Only for who had baptized.
1. Praise
2.Share the bread
A)Bible Reading:
22 And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body.
B) Pray: Deacon
C) Break bread, share
D) Eat
3. Sharing Wine
A) Bible reading
23 And he took the cup |
and when he had given thanks |
24 And he said unto them |
This is my blood of the new testament |
25 Verily I say unto you |
I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine |
B) Pray: Deacon
C) sharing wine
D) Drink
4. Praise, and gather empty cups.
5. Benediction