The Church We Should Be(Act 2:40-47)
The Church We Should Be(Act 2:40-47)
40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.
41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Today is the 27th anniversary of our church. So, today let us think about what kind of church we should be and how we can please our God as a church.
Every Christian looks for a church that fits
them perfectly, but it is not so easy to find one. Why? That is because there
is no perfect ideal church. Church is where sinners are gathered. So, when you
join a church that looks like a perfect church, you will see imperfections. No
one is perfect. However, there are churches that try or tried hard to become a
perfect church. one of the examples is the Church of Jerusalem in today’s text.
So how was the Jerusalem church? Let’s see the 7 characteristics of Jerusalem
The Jerusalem church...
1) Was where the gospel and salvation overflowed./40,41,42
2) Was where people communicated and had fellowship with each other./42,44
3) Worked hard to gather together./42,46
4) Was where people prayed hard./42
5) Was where people could look back on their past./45
6) Spread God’s words./1:8; 2:41,47; 4:4; 5:14;)
7) Was a church that grew./47
Nowadays, where many various kinds of churches exist, what kind of church should we try to be? What should we do to act as a Christian?
A) We should be a
church that God want us to be.
The church operates on five basic pillars: worship service, education, communication, missions, and volunteer work. The most important thing among these is service. How many people are gathering is not the matter. Who is coming isn’t a problem. It is not a problem if there is or isn’t a good program. What is matter is whether the service is glorifying God or service became party of people. John 4:23 says, “23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."
Psalm 50:23 says, “23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.”
In other words, we must have worship that touches our hearts and puts us in awe of Jesus’ sacrifice to save us
It is this kind of worship that has life; that has joy; that has forgiveness; that has thankfulness.
(2) We must become a church that nurtures the Lord’s disciples. Some believe
that receiving “Disciple Training” makes them disciples of God. However, this
training is one of many steps that need to be taken. It is not the whole thing.
Churches also have their own methods and characteristics of training that
formed around each church’s situation, be they financial, spiritual, etc. Thus, it is not the training that makes us
disciplies God wants, but our faith and dedication of living that life of faith
righteously. It is not enough to know and store countless Bible verses in our
heads; we need to dedicate our lives and obey the Word to become true
disciples. Hence, we must become a church that transforms people into true
(3) What are the fundamental roots that built the church? It is the blood of Christ.
Why are we here? For what reason? For who? We are here because of and for Jesus.
We are here because Jesus Christ saved us. We are here still today to give thanks, sing praises, pray, and worship the Lord because we are in awe of His sacrifice for our salvation. A church without Jesus is not a church at all. The biggest mistake of the Laodicean Church was that they drove Jesus out of their church doors.
When we forget about Jesus, the owner and true leader of the church, problems arise and we forget what our true mission is. The difference between a church God wants and a church God does not want can be identified through one simple question: Is this church centered around Jesus? Is the worship centered around Jesus? Are the teachings centered around Jesus? Are the praises and the prayers centered around Jesus?
B) We should be church others can recognize and respect
Take a look at the churches of Jerusalem. How did they live?
1)They communicated and had fellowship with each other./42
There are some people who come to church, listen to the sermon, and leave as
soon as the service is over. However, there must be fellowship among the
congregation. Even if the food isn’t quite to their taste, members should eat
together, talk together, drink coffee or tea together and share the fellowship
of love and grace. This is how we can become like the church of Jerusalem.
Lunch isn’t prepared just because we can and have nowhere else to spend money;
lunch time has a special purpose.
Jesus is the head of our church, and as church members we are make up the body. Each body part must respect, love, protect, and looks out for the others. The members of the Jerusalem Church all helped those who were in need. They did not keep what was theirs to themselves, but rather put what they had out there for others.
When we live like this, even non-believers will come to recognize our
faith and respect us.
That is why verse 47 of today’s scripture says that they people sang praises.
Jesus said in John 13:35 “35 By
this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to
Romans 15:1 says “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”
We must share what we have. If we have special talents we must share them with others; if we have material wealth we must share it with others; if we have knowledge we must share it with others; and if we have love we must share that love with others around us. When we do this, what we have, be it talents, knowledge, wealth, or love, it will grow.
Acts 20:35 says, “35 I
have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak,
and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to
give than to receive. “
*There was a man, elder Jinwon Jung, who had run a pharmacy in Seoul for 33 years. His father was the head of a Christian television channel, and when he passed away he gave his son a special request: When he opened his pharmacy, he wanted his son to provide free medicine and care to the ministers and pastors of the church in a poor fishing and farming village. In accordance to his father’s request, elder Jung did just that. As a result, every month grateful church members sent elder Jung fresh cabbage, radishes, potatoes, sesame oil, and other farm goods. Elder Jung and his wife were even more grateful the grace they received and experienced by giving these people free medicine and care. This may be the reason why people are always lined up in front of their pharmacy everyday even before the doors open. The couple also always print their prescription envelopes with Bible scriptures on them.
We must be able to be like them and share what God has given us in these
such realistic ways.
C) We should be a church that takes
responsibility within society.
A. The church of Jerusalem had great social influence during its time.
1) Many wonders and signs appeared and thus people were scared.43
2) Members and families were able to develop great fellowship/46
3) The people received praises /47
4) Everyday, the number of believers increased/47
1) Thus, a church of God must have an active role and influence on society.
The church must become an entity that leads society, reforms its corruption,
and changes the irrational way society runs. Simply put, we must become the
salt and light to society. We must
become a church that society respects and follows.
2) Then, how can the church influence society?
The church can influence society in many different ways. We just have to
do what Jesus did. What did Jesus do while on this earth? Let’s take a look at
Matthew chapter 4 verse 23, it summarizes what Jesus did:
23 And
Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the
gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of
disease among the people.”
There are three essential things Jesus did:
(1)He spread the word of heaven. (2)He taught the Word of God. (3)He healed the
sick and strengthened the weak.
Our church must work to do these things for society. We pray and give mission offerings do make such efforts a reality. We must put our strength and effort into these missions. The church is not a philanthropic entity; however, the church is a place for injured souls to be healed.
It is important to give these injured souls material support, but the most important thing is for us to give them a new foundation on which to build a new life. And the only thing that can give them this is the Word of God. It is through the Word of God people change and cause society to change.
Thus: (1) we must care for, develop, and raise human character (2) we must increase our interest in mission works (including establishing hospitals, providing health insurance, etc.)
2 Timothy 4:2 “2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. “
D) What results does
this all bring?
As a result, all those of Jerusalem sang praises and the number or those who believed increased every day.
“They went the Church of Jerusalem and became a different person! They give so much love to people they’ve met for the first time! They look after those who are poor. They are filled with the Holy Spirit! ...Maybe I should go too...” This can happen to anyone we know. They can come and go back with a smile on their face, and warmth filling their hearts. They go back touched. They come with despair and leave with hope. We must work to become such a church. People must know our church as one such as the Church of Jerusalem.
How should we build our church?
1. We must be a church that God accepts and recognizes as His.
2. We must become a church that is recognized and accepted by other
Therefore, everyone in our church needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit and:
(1) become a church that has fellowship and works for God as one family
(2) share what we have been given, whatever it may be, in realistic and practical ways
(3) become a church that spreads its influence on society.
It is when this can be accomplished the church becomes heaven and God is glorified. Hallelujah!