Let us lives life that bear fruit
Let us lives life that bear fruit
1. Time goes really fast. It feels like this year just started, but it’s
already at November. Last week we had thanksgiving worship, and there is always
pleasant. Farmer works hard through the season and longing for the time to
2. However, nowadays we are more focused on temporary satisfaction, and
pleasure instead fruit to harvest. This ends in vain at the end.
In the bible describe flower is beautiful, but soon it wilts. In Korea
there is a saying like this and old time there was classical scholar said “Why
flower bloom and wilt, looks like only thing does not change is rock.”
This poet is about life’s vainness. Everyone do we keep our youth? Is beauty
always keeps the beauty? Weren’t we all young once? The most beautiful woman
will lose her beauty to time. As time goes below her eyes she will have
wrinkles. Beauty is something that does not last long and it is only a short
last boast. Our lives pass like flower blooms and wilts shortly.
3. In 1 Peter chapter 124-25 it says, 24 because
“All flesh is as grass,
And all [n]the glory of man as the
flower of the grass.
The grass withers,
And its flower falls away,
25 But the [o]word of the Lord endures forever.”
Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you.
Therefore, Jesus Christ tells us to bear fruit. Metaphorically, We can tell the
person by how he bears fruit, and that is how God can tell whether he is
deserved to receive the glory.
4. There is a purpose that God called us and have us as his children under
Jesus Christ. The purpose is that we bear fruit (glory) and return to God. So
we need to work hard and bear that fruit that God wants. (How can we bear right
fruit for God?)
A) In order to bear fruit…?
1. In today’s verse Jesus compares him to vine tree, We are the branches, and
God is the farmer. Verse 5, ‘5 “I am the vine, you are
the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’
Yes, Jesus is the tree and we are the branch on him. If the branch dies what will happen to the tree? As tree branch dies the tree will die as well. Therefore, tree branches need to be attached to the tree in order to receive the nutrients and water to fruit.
Like so, we can not to anything without Jesus. So, we need God’s grace to live.
2. “Abide in me” once, Jesus said. This mean after you accept him as your Lord, keeping the faith. Have faith in Jesus and follow the Lord’s words. When this is followed you can bear good fruit.
Verse 6 says, ‘6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
In Israel there are tied and
Un-threshed wheat and weed. When wheat and weed grow at the same time it is
hard to tell the difference which one is which in the early growing process.
But, once it’s fully grown you can tell clearly. Wheat has grain (fruit), but
weed does not. Farmer gathers weed and burns it, because it takes nutrients
that should go to wheat. This is why we have to bear fruit. You see why?
Verse 8 says, ‘8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.’ When you bear lots of good fruits it is returning glory to God, and that will make him happy. But, what kind of fruit we talking about? God expects two kinds of fruits.
B) Fruits of personality.
1. one of the fruit is about personality. What kind of person are you and who
you become is fruit of personality.
This is the most important first fruit as Christian.
When we lived our lives when we face God what question should we ask?
Maybe you think ‘it is about what you have achieved in the past? No, the question should be ‘how much you changed after believing in God, and who you have became after that.’
2. If I believe in Jesus and became disciple what Jesus expects from me?
Jesus will expect me to take after him like personality. This personality is fruit of Holy Spirit as love, happiness, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatia 5:22)
These should match our personality.
3. Some church member has personality that raises voice often and gets angry
easily. This mean the fruit has not grown yet in him/her. We need to grow
Christ’s and Holy Spirit’s fruit.
Other personality as Christian there are Disposition, justice, peace, love, hope, honesty, diligence, sense of responsibility.
When this fruit grows we can be needed and be used to this world like salt and light.
4. Jesus says in verse 2, ‘2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [a]takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.’
5. We all know Joseph’s life? Young Joseph did not have any sin, but due to
brothers’ jealousies he was sold to Egypt as a slave. Later on he overcame
general’s wife’s seduction, but he was left to hold the bag (took the blame for
It.) and went to jail. However, in that hardship Joseph did not despair. Joseph
believed in God, and endured. At the end he became prime minister and how much
of good fruits did he bear?
6. Many different experience shapes our personality and it can be God is
pruning our branches. Our main goal is to take after Jesus and bear fruit that
is like him and Holy Spirit in our lives.
C) Fruits of ministry.
1. Second fruit we need to bear is fruit of ministry.
There are many ministry works to do, but 2 things are most important, which are gospel, and record. If I find the reason and purpose of my life how can I just only keep this to my-self?
If we find people that do not know
Jesus, and eternal life, then you need to let them know.
Spreading gospel and letting them know and have them grow faith in them is
fruit of gospel. Length of attendance to church does not matter. How many
people got to know Jesus through you is what matters.
2. There was a man named Boris cornfield. He was a Jewish doctor in the Soviet Union. He was imprisoned in labor camp, because he said “Stalin is a human not God.”
He was told to put that prisoner is healthy on the card and send them back to the work. The treatment just became only formally as told, and Boris was feeling like his humanity was destroyed. But, soon fellow prisoner spread gospel to him, and he accepted Jesus. He realized that many Christians in the labor camp pray for their salvation and the prayer was answered. From that moment Boris started to treat the patients with all his heart. Boris was told that if he cures someone will die he will die instead of his patient, but Boris ignore the warning and cured the patient. Patient asked “If you cure me your life will be endanger, why are you doing this?” Boris replied. “It’s okay there is someone already died for me to save me. Patient asked, “Who is that?” Boris whispered to patient, “His name is Jesus Christ.”
After Boris saved the word spread Soviet open public execution of Boris. As Boris was executed the patient accepts Jesus and said “Mr. Boris now it is my turn I will share his love.”
Time passed the person Boris saved was Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Alex is great Author who earned Nobel Prize with Novel “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”
3. Everyone, we need to be disciples who can bear fruit of gospel. Make a list
of people who do not know Jesus and let’s pray for them. Let us become
Christian who spread gospel, love, and guide them to Jesus.
Con) everyone, let’s pray to bears
good fruits under Jesus’ expectation and warning through our lives.