The Lesson in Acacia Wood(Deuteronomy 10:1-5)
1 At that time the Lord said to me, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones and come up to me on the mountain. Also make a wooden ark.[a]
2 I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. Then you are to put them in the ark.”
3 So I made the ark out of acacia wood and chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I went up on the mountain with the two tablets in my hands.
4 The Lord wrote on these tablets what he had written before, the Ten Commandments he had proclaimed to you on the mountain, out of the fire, on the day of the assembly. And the Lord gave them to me.
5 Then I came back down the mountain and put the tablets in the ark I had made, as the Lord commanded me, and they are there now.
Today’s sermon is titled: “The Lesson in Acacia Wood”. Today’s scripture tells us of Moses and how he created an ark out of acacia wood and placed the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments in it, in accordance with God’s directions. one of the most valuable things on Earth is the ark of the Lord (The Ark of the Covenant). Being made of Acacia wood, it can be sad that the wood itself is quite valuable and has been used for a valuable job. Acacia wood (or shittim wood) is related to the tabernacle and is mentioned 26 times is the Book of Exodus and once again in Deuteronomy.
Not only that, but many of precious items used in the tabernacle were also made of acacia such as: the ark, the table, the altars outside, the altars for incense, boards and frames of wood making up the walls, crossbars of wood, and pillars. All of the wood used in the tabernacle was acacia plated in gold.
Later on, cedar wood was used to build churches and chapels, but the tools and furnishings within them were still made of acacia. Let us take a look at acacia, which was used by God in such holy ways, and see what lessons it holds for us today.
A) In truth, the acacia tree was fairly useless.
In Exodus 4:13 Moses says, “O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send” and humbles himself in doing so. At this time Moses was practically living like ones of his sheep, having just about nothing to do with God or His holy work. At first glance, Moses seems unfit to serve God.
The acacia tree is like this. Acacia wood is not a wood ideal for really anything. It is difficult to control in any way being incredibly hard yet bumpy, lumpy, and not at all smooth.
In the desert, the tree will grow to be barely 3 meters tall, and separating into branches with many smaller sprigs and thorns, this tree is difficult to use for anything worthwhile. Its leaves are tiny, making it useless for even fodder. Its only plausible use would be for fires.
The fact that such a wood was used to build the holy tabernacle is a great lesson for us.
We must also recognize that God using the acacia tree is a reflection of Him using us for His works.
God uses us, sinners, despite our tempers and our crooked ways. He calls us despite our indecisiveness and greed. He uses us as the lumber he needs and trims us, carves us, and covers us in gold, making us new. I may have many shortcomings, but God can still use me.
When we recognize our shortcomings and humbly give ourselves to Him, He can and will use us.
B) You, too, can be used for precious tasks when you meet God.
The acacia tree is one that digs its roots deep into the desert ground where rain is scarce.
It can survive in such harsh conditions because its roots descend far into the earth and soaks up every tiny bit of water and nutrition it can. The harsher its conditions, the deeper and deeper acacia trees extend their roots into the ground to overcome them. This is why these trees have roots that go tens and even hundreds of meters below the surface.
This is what we as people who have met God must reflect. Colossians 2:6-7 says, “6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” In other words, it is telling us to dig our roots of faith deep, and serve God.
God lifted and used Paul, one of the worst persecutors of Christians at the time. Job was also blessed two-fold after meeting the Lord. The most valuable people on Earth are those who have met the Lord God.
C) We must have faith in participating in the pain of the cross.
Hebrews 10:38 says, “38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” This is the type of tree the acacia tree is. Acacia trees (shittim trees) are ugly and useless but having grown in the desert, its wood is strong and does not change. This is why artists prefer to work with wood that has encountered and survived harsh conditions, rather that wood that grew peacefully in a safe environment.
When written out in Chinese characters, the acacia tree can be translated to “jo-gak-mok”, “jo” meaning black, “gak” meaning horns, and “mok” meaning tree. In short, the acacia tree is like a tree of black horns. It is a tree that is as strong as the horns of a water buffalo. It is small, but it does not change. Therefore, it was used for precious needs.
True Christians must have faith like the acacia: one that does not change regardless of the circumstances.
In the Bible, we see several people who are examples of such faith, such as:
*Daniel whose faith never faltered, even when he was being thrown into the lion’s den, and he even gave his prayer of thanks at that very moment
*Schadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who never gave up their faith even as they were being thrown into a burning furnace
*Esther who came before the king, ready to die but never willing to renounce her faith
Our yelling for the Lord does bring us faith. We must overcome the tests of fire and water.
Let us all become like these believers, come forth before God and have the faith and love to take up the cross whenever, wherever.
D) only in humbleness can we wear the glorious grace of God.
Acacia wood was not used just as it was on its own. Exodus 37:15 says, “15 The poles for carrying the table were made of acacia wood and were overlaid with gold.” Acacia wood given to God becomes completely covered in God. How expensive is gold? How valuable is god? We must be able to give ourselves to God.
Psalm 91: 14-16 says, ““Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
Whenever hardships or complaints fill our hearts, we do everything we can to escape God and run after pleasure instead. But we cannot receive God’s blessings and grace in this way.
Only when we give ourselves completely to Him can we be used by Him for His glory.
This is a story about faith:
Somewhere in the Middle East, there grew three trees: an olive tree, a cedar tree, and a pine tree. The olive tree wanted to be used for the valuable furniture in the palace. So, each day the tree prayed for its dream to come true. Then one day, the carpenter came and cut the olive tree down and carved it into a trough for the animals. The olive tree was shocked! “How could I be used for a manger!” it thought, “How could I be used for the dirty cows and donkeys! I deserve to at least be used as handsome banisters in the palace!” How sad the olive tree must have been to see its dreams crumble before him.
Then one day, a young couple needed a place to stay and came to the stable the olive tree (now a trough) was in. The young couple was none other than Joseph and a very pregnant Mary. The couple stayed in the stable, Mary had her baby, and laid her baby in the olive tree manger. Who was this baby? Of course, it was baby Jesus. The olive tree, that had despaired for becoming nothing more than a giant feeder for animals, had become the most valuable manger in the world: the bed of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.
Next is the story of the cedar tree. The cedar tree wanted to become a magnificent battleship and travel through the seas. But alas, it became nothing more than small fisherman’s boat. The cedar tree spent each day with fishermen and the stink of fish. Then one day, the people gathered and Jesus climbed into the cedar tree (now a small boat) and preached the word of God from within it. The cedar tree was shocked and filled with joy! “My goodness! I can’t believe the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is using me to preach!” The cedar tree ended up serving Jesus, a man greater than any navy sailor.
Last is the story of the pine tree. This tree also had big dreams. “I want to be placed at the highest point in the world, show the people my lush green self, and give people strength and courage!” Then one day, the sky grew dark and rain started to pour. A bolt of lightning struck the tree and the pine tree’s trunk cracked, and the tree fell helplessly to the ground.
A few days later, a harsh-looking woodcutter approached the fallen pine tree and said, “Hmmm… This tree is useless. I might as well use it for firewood.” He then cut up the tree, dragged it away, and threw it into a corner of a shed. The pine tree was saddened and spent each day in despair.
One day, the tree heard the footsteps of roman soldiers come into the shed and take the tree (now cut up into firewood) away.
The pine tree became the cross on which Jesus, a man who was supposed to be loved by the world, was crucified. Filled with sorrow the tree cried. But three days later, Christ, who had died on the cross, had risen from the dead and through the cross people had gained salvation, been freed of their sins, were given hope and courage, and found their way into the Kingdom of Heaven. The pine tree (now a cross) saw how it had done all these things and praised God for allowing it to be used for greatness beyond its dreams.
We may have shortcomings, but if we put our faith in God, find greater joy in fulfilling God’s will rather than our own, and do all we can to give ourselves completely over to Him, then God will bless us with glory and grace beyond anything we can dream!
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