영어설교(English sermons)

Ruth’s Choice

호걸영웅 2015. 5. 11. 23:19

Ruth’s Choice

Text:  Ruth 1:1~22

Reading:  Ruth 1:6-14





The story about Ruth takes place during the time of Judges.  This was a period of religious and moral degeneration; a time of national disunity and general foreign oppression.  The Book of Ruth reflects a temporary time of peace between Israel and Moab. Judges 21:25 states “in those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he so fit.”


Ruth was a Gentile who lived in during this ungodly age.  But, she lived a godly life.  She was in the world but not a part of it.  She made a decision to stand for God.  God was with her.  The Book of Ruth was written to show the faithfulness of God to Israel.  Though Israel had passed through a time of forgetting God, there was a small group of people who loved God and served Him.



Background  (vs. 1-5)


Because of disobedience toward God, there was foreign oppression and a famine in Israel.  This forced Elimelech, his wife (Naomi), and their two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, to move to a country called Moab—just East of the Dead Sea.  (vs. 1-2)  Like families immigrate to the States with American dream, the Elimelech’s family came to Moab for improving their quality of life.


Soon after they moved to Moab, Naomi’s husband, Elimelech, died and their two sons married Moabite women, Ruth & Orpah.  About ten years later Naomi’s two sons also died, leaving Ruth and Orpah as widows.  (vs. 3-5) Their Moabite dream shattered and the family had to struggle with troubles and grief.


Problems  (vs. 6-17)


Naomi heard the good news that the famine in her home country, Israel, was over.  She became a widow.  She thought to herself . . . that she must make a new life for herself and decided to return to Israel.  (vs. 6-7)


Upon preparation, Naomi gave her approval and blessing to her daughters-in-law to return to their folks and remarry.  (vs. 8-13)


Orpah returned to her country of idol worship. No one can blame her, but her record stopped there. Who knows that she lived happily ever after?

It is easy to follow the crowd or to remain in familiar territory.

What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? . . . Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."  (2 Cor. 6:16-17)



But Ruth was dedicated and determined!  Her dedication and determination meant:

Hardness - Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3).


Persecution - “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12).


Determination - “But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15).


Ruth chose to remain faithful to her mother-in-law, Naomi.  Her choice meant:

She will follow Naomi’s Path, a righteous path. Matthew 5:20 teaches us that we must live a righteous life; “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

She will live in Naomi’s Living Place. Hebrews 12:14 reminds us to make careful discussion where to live and how to live. “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”

Ruth’s decision tells that she wanted to associate with Godley people (Spiritual Friends). 

Ruth believed that Naomi’s God is the True & Living God. She was able to see Naomi’s Future which is living for God and eternal Life.


In spite of the fact that she lost her husband and security, she made a great decision. Her decision influenced and benefited not only herself but all human races.


What made her to make such decision?


While Ruth was facing a major crisis and hardships, she saw that Naomi’s faithful (Godley) life. Probably, Ruth observed what Naomi believed and how she reacted during the family’s difficult times. (vs. 16)


How hard was her situation?


Living in a tribal society, living as a young widow means that there is no security, no financial resources and no future. Her sister in law, Orpah, realized that situation very well, and she returned back to her people and gods.


In the Bible, there are many people faced similar hardships. Such as Job, disaster struck his family and him. He lost his lovely ten children, his property (7000 Sheep- meat Company, cloth, 3000 camel- freight company, 500 York of oxen- 500 Tractors, 500 donkeys- 500 limousines),  large number of employees, and his own health. While he was suffering with painful sores, his wife said to him, “Are you still holding to your integrity? Curse God and die!”(Job 2:9) he lost his wife.

When we go through difficult moments, who do really understand the depth of our pain? What human word can possibly comfort our wounded heart?

Can we possibly stand for our integrity when our loved ones or close friends challenge this way?

However, Job kept his faith and did not sin in what he said.


How poor Ruth was? She lost her young husband. She had to go through grieving process. She did not complain or blame God.  She had to make lonely decision. She followed her foreign mother in law to a foreign country. Have you ever lived in a foreign country by yourself? How was it? You may be fascinated at first. Dealing with language and culture shock are not easy experience. There was foreign oppression and possible racial discrimination in her days.

She did not have a child during her ten years of marriage. This means she was barren. When she went to Bethlehem, she supported herself as a day worker. There was no workers union back in times, so her job security was not guaranteed.  Her life was like a day worker who wants to get a daily job on a curve side every day. There was no affirmative action for her. There was no equal opportunity policy. She was vulnerable, sad, and helpless.


When she came to Bethlehem, there was a slight hope to be redeemed through a kinsman redeemer, but she was not favored by kinsman (4:6). The kinsman redeemer thought that he might endanger his own estate. The kinsman redeemer thought that she was not very productive, not good for his profit.  She was not able to maintain the name of the deceased husband with his property. What a shame it was?


However, all her negative conditions (being a widow, immigration status, rejection by kinsman redeemer, barren for ten years of marriage) became a major channel of blessings in the Lord.

Boaz, the next kinsman redeemer acquired Ruth the Moabitess as his wife. From that point, God enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son, Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse was the father of David. Through the family, Jesus was born.

Ruth life was once struck by many different disastrous events, but she had determination to serve God.




Why Ruth chose to go with Naomi?  Because Naomi’s exemplary life influenced to Ruth.  It gives us a lesson that our life style can influence others around us.


Ruth’s choice cost her something.  Any choice toward God’s will cost us something!  Choosing to follow Him may bring persecution, misunderstandings and sufferings.  Ruth willingly followed God.  As the result of this dedication, she left an impact on many.

When we face helpless and disastrous events in our life, today’s scripture teaches what to do. If we cannot avoid crisis in our life, we need to make right decisions as we proceed.

 As we stand for God, as we live with our dedication, others will see our love for God and follow our examples.

Also, we have hope that God can even use our pain as a channel of blessings beyond ourselves’ well being and imagination.

What if she did not have to face her husband’s death? What if she just lived happy life at her hometown? What if she was fertile and had a child?

When she had to go through all these sad experiences and disadvantages, God was with her. He used every painful event for her blessings.


Are you experiencing hardship? Do you have wounded heart? Did your recruiter lie to you? Did your loved one betray you? Are you experiencing the most painful moment in your life? Do you have heavy burden that you cannot bear it anymore? Let us have hope in the Lord. He will see our uncompromised integrity. He will use all our pain into abundant blessings for us and our community.


Ruth’s greatest award from her choice was that she became the great-grandmother of King David and from his line came Christ! What is your choice when you are going through darkest moment in your life?




preacher;Oh yun seok