영어설교(English sermons)

Heaven that is like seeds of mustard and yeast ( mat 13:31~33)

호걸영웅 2015. 12. 30. 23:57

Heaven that is like seeds of mustard and yeast (  mat   13:31~33)


31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

33 Another parable spoke he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.



Last year there was a deacon who spent 6 years in jail and had a death sentence in China. He used to live a life of criminal, but he got arrested. His name is Byungson Chang. Later on, he repented his sin and became a missionary, and brought 31 of the most brutal criminals to Jesus. He brought 200 bibles into jail as well. His news reached Korea, so church that knew him appointed him as first overseas missionary. He said "As long as I'm breathing I will spread Gospel to one more person." Later, the time came for him to be hanged. Deacon Chang sent a letter to the church that appointed him as 1st overseas missionary saying 'Pastor I heard there are 3 large gates for  each of all directions(north, south, east, and west) I will meet you on the middle gate on south, and he left to heaven.


 2. There are many descriptions about heaven. Jesus gave many descriptions of heaven, because there is none could explain better about heaven than Jesus.



A) Metaphor of mustard seed

1. Jesus talked about metaphor of mustard seed. He said "Heaven is like mustard seed that people planted." Then what is the seed of mustard? As you know it is a very small thing. Now I will show you the mustard seed. Take a look. It is small. In verse 31 Jesus said 1 seed. The size of seed is very small almost looks like nothing, but it contains life.


2. Koreans live in a small land, so maybe people in Korea often think the bigger the better. That is probably why there are many words with a bigger meaning compared to others such as Korea, president, boss, adult, great man, etc. Korea is smaller than New York. Many people think a bigger place with more people in the church makes a better church. However, to make big church, people often loan money that won't be able to pay back, and later church fall into bankrupt.  People keep building bigger to shine shortly, but it is useless.



3. Then what is a church that Jesus gives compliment?

 In the book of revelation there is Asia Minor (Turkey), there are 7 churches and 2 of the churches received compliments were Philadelphia and Smyrna’s Church. Did two of the churches received compliments because they were big and many followers went to the church? No. Let's read Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.


Smyrna’s Church moved and were persecuted by Jewish so they became outsiders. People of Smyrna’s church lost jobs and food, but they didn't lose their hope and kept their faith and gospel, so Jesus gave them compliment.


 Philadelphia Church was a weak and small church, but they didn't turn back against Jesus and did not put up with legalism, so Jesus also gave them compliment.


Therefore, Jesus said in Matthew 17:20 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.


4. Doing a big work for human or God is possible, because the true faith is behind it not material matter like big size or more in quantity.

In Faith quality matters more than quantity and true life has to be in it. Legalism, and Idolism does not have life of God, but Heaven, and Jesus has life although sometimes it seems small. Why atomic bomb is so scary, because it’s big? No, but because of its destruction power. Probably if there is a bomb that is the size of a fist will turn Jefferson county into ashes.


5. If then, small mustard seed could bring? Look at verse 32 "32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof."

Mustard could grow up to 1.5m to 3m (5-10feet)

 What is the secret that this tiny seed can grow so big? The answer is strong vitality.

Feature of vitality is its on growth. Like this mustard seed could grow so big, our tiny belief will grow like mustard seed. After flower of seed blossoms and spread seeds more and more like spreading gospel.


B) Metaphor about yeast


1. Why Jesus said Heaven is like yeast? It also has a similar meaning as the mustard, great ability to grow and expand.

In verse 33 it says

33 Another parable spoke he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

10 gallon of yeast could be used to make bread to feed up to160 people. If there is no yeast there will be no bread.


However, we do not need much yeast to make bread only half cup will do. If we have lots of time probably one spoon will do the work. When it expands the process goes slowly and in silence.  So heaven gospel and yeast are alike. Therefore when we look like we are lacking of our ability, but we love each other and obey God, then he will allow us to grow and grant us a blessing of grace.


 2. Our belief does not matter how long it has been or how early you have started in your life, but it matters if Jesus' life is in our soul or not. When Jesus' life planted in our soul we will be able to do things that are unimaginable.


3. William Ashley “Billy” Sunday (1862 -1935), was evangelist of America and famous for missionary for songs. When Billy was little one pastor told him "Billy, listen to God's word and read it for 15mins every day, pray to God for other 15 minutes, talk about God to others for 15 minutes, and move God's love to act for other 15 minutes, then you will be great worker of God.

Billy kept this word for rest of his life, and he became worldwide famous Evangelist pastor.

When Billy went to his revival in a city that had a population of 30,000, 22% of the population decided to believe in Jesus, and other city that had a population of 30,000-50,000, 15% of the population decided to believe in Jesus, lastly in a city with a population of 100,000-500,000, 9-4% decided to believe in Jesus. For example population of 39,331 in Philadelphia, 63,484 in Boston, 98,264 in New York, and 49,163 in Chicago gathered and heard God's word through Billy Sunday. And the number of people that met Jesus through Billy was over 900,000! What an amazing result.



Therefore, the way to become a great Christian is not far. Even sharing little love and work for God, and even short time learning God's word and praying, God will multiply your reward and blessing.



1.      Loving followers, faith is not a matter of size, but vitality.

In Luke 16:10 says '10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.' God's word is very important either it is small or not, but it could be standard for what your reward would be.


2. We should start working from what we can do today such as sharing little love to others to realize God's world. Our pride will be us carrying to the cross secretly, and God will notice our work. How God calculate our work does not depend on success and wealth, but on love we shared without notifying the world, and it will be listed in God's book of life. It is because those small decisions we make for Jesus will be rewarded.


If there is somebody who still not believing in Jesus, then decide now. Plant the seed of mustard, and let the yeast to spread inside of you.


3. Does Jesus stay in you and is love towards Jesus within you? If then your life will be more glorious. Do not look down, because your faith or ability is small. It is just a matter of time. Start doing small things for God, and you will receive God's reward with grace, and become people of heaven.