영어설교(English sermons)

Thanks with more blessing (Luke17:11~19)

호걸영웅 2016. 12. 24. 01:41

  •              Thanks with more blessing (Luke17:11~19)

  • 11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.

  • 12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off:

  • 13 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.

  • 14 And when he saw them, he said unto them,  Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.

  • 15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,

  • 16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.

  • 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

  • 18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.

  • 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.


  • Intro)

  • Today is the thanks giving Sunday. Just like last year, this year we had lots of bad news around the world. However, we should be thankful that we are able to come to church today. The secret of receiving God’s blessing is to thank him even when we found ourselves in difficult situation.

  • We should thank God especially when we are in trouble. 
    It is more valuable than thank God whenever we are in pleasant situation. When we thank God in the middle of hardship God will recognize your faith and will bless you more.

  • Lena Maria who is also the author of a book 'My life of music written by feet’ had no hands and one of her leg was shorter than other but she did everything with her feet. She didn’t allow her disability to let her down. She tried hard to better herself both physically and in relationship with God

  • Later she won medal in Paralympic and she wrote and sung many beautiful hymns.  She never consider herself as disabled she just thought she is different than others. So how did she overcome her limitations? Because she believed in Jesus and His Goodness. Thank God when you are in hardship He will bless you more.

  • B) Thank God when you encounter hardships.
    Sometimes we face hardship, but when you think of it, those hardships were allowed by God to better ourselves. You think you would serve God better if your family is well and your work is successful? Think again.

  • People who are living well often fall into the world that full of temptations. Do not wish for the total comfort, expect hardships but depend on God to overcome those hardships. Health of your soul is more important than health of your body. Look at china’s famous emperor Jin do you think he had a good life?

  • He built the Great wall because he was insecure, he also sent 3000 people to find him a plant that would keep him young forever but he died at the age of 49. It is not always happy to live like an emperor.

  • Believe in God is where you will find the happiness in your life. Just like people realize how easy their life was before join the military and they write thank letter to their parents.

  • C) We have to live life that glorifies God.

  • Today’s text explains the principle of thanks with 10 lepers. They were isolated form other people because of their disease. They were desperate to get help from Jesus.

  • Jesus knew their pain and agony he said " Go shew yourselves unto the priests."( Verse 14) Why? because back then you have to get cleared by priest that you are healed in order to meet your family again. on the way to the priest their disease were cured. Except the one leper, everybody was so happy they ran to priest.

  • The one leaper could not just go to priest before he thanks Jesus. So he turned his way back and went to Jesus to thank Him. Bible says such activity as  'glorifying God.’

  • Many Christians want to live a life that glorifies God but how do we do that? We always thank God nonetheless of what situation we are in.

  • D) Thank Him and He will give you more to thank Him.

  • So what did the leper that came back to Jesus have? Complement from Jesus and eternal life.

  •  “There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.! And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole!" You cannot imagine how God will bless us just by thank him for everything.

  • E) Express your thank right now.

  • If the leper did not came back to him right away, Jesus could be not at the same place anymore. So you have to turn your way back right now and thank Him while He is still there for you to come.

  • When people are sick they pray to Jesus but after they get better people usually forget about Jesus. Do not miss the opportunity to thank Jesus.

  • Ju Ja is one of the most famous philosophers In China and he worte this list of 10 things you will regret if you do not do it now.

  • <Ten regrets>

  • 不孝父母死後悔(불효부모 사후회)/ You will regret when your parents passes if you did not do your best for them.

  •  不親家族疎後悔(불친가족 소후회)/ You will regret if you are not kind to your family. 

  • 少不勤學老後悔(소불근학 노후회)/You will regret if you did not study when you were young..

  •  安不思難敗後悔(안불사난 패후회)/You will regret if you do not expect any hardships in your life.

  •  富不儉用貧後悔(부불검용 빈후회)/You will regret if you do not save and waste your money.

  •  春不耕種秋後悔(춘불경종 추후회)/You will regret if you did not spread seeds in the spring.

  • 不治垣墻盜後悔(불치원장 도후회) You will regret that you did not fix your fence after you get robbed.

  • 色不謹愼病後悔(색불근신 병후회)/ You will regret if you don’t control your sexual desires. ​

  • 醉中妄言醒後悔(취중망언 성후회)/ You will regret if you don’t watch your mouth when you are drunk.

  • 不接賓客去後悔(불접빈객 거후회)/You will regret if you don’t treat your guest with hospitality.

  • Conclusion)

  • Martin Luther said "Good people thank for what they have and bad people complaint about what they do not have.” Let us be good people and be thankful for what we have now. There is no reason to be not happy because we are saved and have hope for the Heaven.

  • Brothers and sisters let us be like one leper that came back to Jesus but other nine. God will be very pleased when we thank him and glorifies him let us live life like that. Amen.  


    112016 Ik sun ,Ahn/ Translated Sung w,  Ahn