영어설교(English sermons)

Are You a Worthy Vessel? (2 Timothy 2:20-22)

호걸영웅 2017. 4. 14. 00:02

Are You a Worthy Vessel? (2 Timothy 2:20-22)


20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.



The Old Testament often describes God the Creator as a potter. God created us to be His vessels, and just as a potter smashes the vessels he deems unfit and unusable, God casts judgment upon His people.


Today's scripture comes from the heartfelt message the Apostle Paul delivers to his beloved student and son of faith, Timothy. Let us dedicate this time to hearing God's voice and becoming a vessel He will use.




A) First, God wants to use us as His vessels.


Today's scripture describes a variety of vessels: there are those made of gold, silver, clay, and even wood. Each are valued in their own way and have their own uses.


Korea has a long history of creating and using clay pots, plates, cups, and bowls. Items made of clay were affordable, versatile, and durable. However, because of their cheap price and crude appearance, these clay pots were often in the possession of poorer people. There are still negative connotations implied when describing something to be "like a clay pot."


However, clay pots and plates are essential household items. No matter how rich a home may be, they would never keep kimchi in a gold pot or store gochujang (Korean red pepper paste) in a silver bowl because those materials can not properly support the flavors of these food items. They taste best when stored and served in clay vessels. These seemingly lowly and crude clay vessels can serve a purpose greater than vessels of gold or silver.


We, too, are like clay pots and plates: We are unsightly, fragile, and crude. But when we work for God's purpose, we become invaluable and can take on a greater purpose. We receive the greatest glory and praise when we are used for God's will.


A rabbi by the name of "Bunam" once said that on the Day of Judgment, God will not ask us why we were not like Abraham or why we failed to be like Moses; He will ask why we did not live like ourselves.


When God created us, He created us with a purpose, life, and calling meant just for us. He does not need another "Abraham" or "Moses" to do their work again. He has a calling and a mission tailored to each and every one of us.


John Wesley had stated that God will not ask, "What were you or what did you do in the world?" but rather ask, "How did you live your life in your situation/position?"


God will not ask if you were a pastor, a Sunday School teacher, a deacon/deaconess, a choir member, or just a church-goer. He does not care who you were in the world. He cares about what you did, how you used your time, how you used your talents, and how you used your material belongings. Let us live a life that will allow us to give God a great answer.



B) Second, God wants us to be a clean vessel.


If we want to be a vessel God uses, we must first be clean. No matter how expensive the material is, nothing can be used if the item itself is dirty. Regardless of whether a plate is made of gold, silver, or clay, if it is dirty it cannot be used.


God does not care what you are or what you are made of. God seeks a clean vessel, meaning a person with a clean heart and spirit. Such people will be the ones used in honor.


A clean vessel made of clay is endlessly more useful than a gold vessel covered in food, dirt, and grime. No one wants to use a dirty plate.


I used to enjoy going to a restaurant in Watertown called "Ponderosa." When I went there, I would often find plates or silverware that were still dirty and had food bits stuck to them. I even told an employee they should get a new dish washer machine. Unfortunately, this restaurant is no longer in business.


We must make ourselves useful by cleaning the vessel of our hearts and souls. We must repent and make ourselves clean.


The Bible tells us that anyone who repents and makes themselves clean before God will be used as a valuable vessel. What makes us dirty are our sins of lies, stubbornness, arrogance, laziness, selfishness, suspicion, and complacency. God will use us when we rid ourselves of these vices.


Proverbs 25:4 says, Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.” The vessel of our hearts must be emptied and cleaned so it can be used and filled with God's truth, grace, and strength.


Here are some questions for you to ponder: If Jesus came to your house and knocked on your door, how would you react? What would you do? Would you open the door immediately and stand before Him with your arms open wide, ready to receive and accept him? Or would you be in a hurry to find clean clothes to put on before even letting Him in?


Would you be able to let Jesus into your home right away, without any preparation or tidying? Could you spend a day or two with Him? Would you be able to speak, act, and live exactly as you always have with Him standing before you in your home?


Would you be able to go to the places you've wanted to visit with Jesus following you? Or would you need to make some changes before deciding to let Him in? Would you be comfortable introducing Him to your friends? Or would you hide them from Him?


If the Lord asked to see your wallet or purse, would you be able to do so without hesitation, embarrassment, or fear? Do you sincerely and truly want to serve the Lord for the rest of your life? Can you live comfortably and at peace with Jesus right in front of you?


Or would you only be at ease once He finally leaves? If Jesus asks to move in with you, how would you respond? Are you ready to do His will? Are you ready to become His vessel? How would you react?


C) Third, we must all become vessels that can carry out God's mission for us.


In other words, we must become a vessel that can store a lot and share that with others. We must become a vessel that can endlessly share God's Word, His love, His gift of life, the Gospel, His truth, His grace and peace, and His comfort.


A broken vessel can not effectively share and deliver its contents. A vessel can not deliver such great truths of God if they have something else inside of them. They can not deliver God's pure truth if they are dirty and will taint God's pure message. God can not use any of these such vessels.


If we take a look at the great people of faith who served before us, we can see that they were all people who obeyed God's Word and selflessly shared the love and message of God. God uses even those who are flawed as long as they obey Him and seek to share His love with others.


We are told that obedience is better than service or rituals. Philippians 2:8-11 says, 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:


10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Jesus carried out his calling until his death.


There was a woman named Cheryl Wolfinger, who at 27 was a basketball lover, player, and expert. Cheryl knew she wanted to become a basketball player since she was in the 1st grade. She was a skilled and prominent player in her high school and college teams and after she went on to play in the European league.


She joined the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and built her faith with other Christian players. One day, a missionary approached Cheryl and spoke to her about the necessity to systemize the spreading of the Gospel through these Christian athletes on an international sports platform.


Hearing this, Cheryl thought to herself, What a wonderful idea! But, God, not me. Im not the person for that job. But then she looked back at her life and realized that God had led and prepared her for this mission.


She put all her faith in Gods calling and established the International Sports Federation (ISF). That year, on a sports mission trip to Madagascar, she testified how Gods plan and her obedience showed her how the world could change.


After our international match, I gave a translated Bible to one of the female athletes and told her about who Jesus was and who He was to me. This was possible, not because I was preaching, worshipping, or praising and singing, but because I played basketball. It may be illegal to evangelize and preach the Gospel in some countries, but there is no law and in any country that forbids a quick game and making friends.


Since then, over 4,000 ISF volunteers have carried out more than 500 mission projects in 70 countries. Countless souls were saved because one woman who loved basketball heard and accepted Gods calling for her.


During the early 14th century, renowned theologian and philosopher Thomas Aquinas was at the Viterbo Monastery for a short time. The Father Superior told a young monk to take another monk, any new monk, to the market. The first person the monk saw was Thomas Aquinas, and, not knowing who he was, the monk took Aquinas to the market.


At the time, Aquinas body was slow and he was clumsy, so he had difficulty keeping up with the fast-moving monk. Seeing the slow and sweaty Aquinas, the young monk badgered and reprimanded him.


Even though a young monk was chastising him, Aquinas said nothing and followed behind, wiping the sweat profusely pouring down his face. The people witnessing this were shocked. Not only was a famous and revered scholar, whom even the Pope would turn to for advice, running around gracelessly, a young monk was yelling at him! 


Some of the village witnesses stopped the pair and asked the young monk, Do you know who this is? The young monk simply replied, Hes a monk! Who else would he be? To that the people told him, This is the famous Thomas Aquinas! Doctor of the church!


At this the monk was stunned, shocked, and mortified. People asked Aquinas why he had not revealed who he was to the young monk. Thomas Aquinas simply replied, A monks duty is to exemplify obedience and humility. This monk and I were simply abiding by them.


We as humans are easily susceptible to arrogance. We let the smallest thing get into our heads; the smallest sense of authority makes us feel as if we have power over others and that this power is our right. We think that makes us great.


But the truly great are those who remain humble and obey the truth of God. Those who obey God without question are the ones God uses joyfully for His work. Obedience is a vital foundation to receiving blessings. Let us all share in this quality.



We have all been chosen as Gods children. No matter who we are or how we fit in the world, we are all precious vessels of God. Let us all become clean vessels of goodness worthy of Gods plans. Cast aside your doubts, vices, and sins and prepare yourself to be a cleansed vessel of God.


As Gods vessels, let us go out into the world and share the righteousness, love, peace that only God can give us. Let us become the light and salt to the world in the name of Jesus.


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