영어설교(English sermons)

“Start with Genuine Faith and hope” (Mark 10:46-52)

호걸영웅 2017. 12. 14. 01:21

Start with Genuine Faith and hope (Mark 10:46-52)



We are in the midst of the 2017 Thanksgiving season.  This season is one of the most blessed seasons for all Americans because we take time to realize our blessings.  We are gathering together to give thanks and to show thanks to our God, country, leaders, and family members.

Since the first day of November, I have thought how can I give thanks to God, and how can I show thanks to God through my appreciation to my leaders, families, and friends.  While I was thinking, I recognized that I am a blessed man, because I have many reasons to give thanks.  The Lord led me to understand that when I give thanks to God and appreciate those around me, I embrace my blessing and ignore my limitations.  Giving thanks leads me to show thanks to God through serving others and providing those around me with a portion of my joy.  Being filled with joy and spreading joy around me deepens my relationships with others and provides me with opportunities to share the reason for my hopefulness.  Thanks, comfort, and hopefulness are components of the legacy I want to leave behind.  My legacy will shape my children’s future.

I have a beautiful example of a person who had a successful life and became a source of blessings to his descendants.  Jonathan Edwards, a Christian preacher, is one of Americas greatest intellectuals, and the main player in the First Great Awakening of America.  He devoted his whole life to giving and showing thanks to God and people.  He and his wife emphasized the beauty of God to their children even when they faced a difficult situation.  A study of Jonathan Edwardss family tree reveals 1,394 known descendants of those descendants.  100 were missionaries, 100 were lawyers, 80 were public office holders, 75 were Army and Navy Officers, 60 were authors, 65 were professors, 60 were physicians, 30 were judges, 12 were college presidents, 3 were mayors, 3 were governors, 3 were U.S. Senators, and 1 was U.S. Vice-President Aaron Burr. Jr, 1756-1863).   

By contrast, the other person, Max Jukes, who lived around the same time with Jonathan Edward, lost his thankful heart after entering college and did not believe in the power of a thankful heart.  Max Jukes chose to be an atheist, against God and disliked to show thanks to other people.  He had 1,026 offspring; 309 of them died prematurely, 310 died as beggars, 150 were criminals, 70 were murderers, 190 were famous drunks and more than half of his female descendants were prostitutes.  The family cost the state $1.25 million and they made no helpful contribution to the society.     

This comparison is still challenging us, and teaching how God blesses His people through all ages to ages.  Jonathan Edwardss legacy represents a steady stream of positive contributions to the society that started with having hope and showing faith.  Max Jukes legacy was precisely the opposite because he failed to embrace a fundamental principle, have hope and show faith.

With this thought, we have one question for today.  What is our hope that makes you life blessed?  How are you able to sustain your belief (not a dream) in your regular life to accomplish your desire?

When asked what your wish is, many Koreans say 'our wish is unification.' But this is not a true answer; it's just a habit.

As in the example of Jonathan Edwards's legacy, the value of life is not in possession, knowledge, and social status, but in the beliefs and wishes that are deep within one person's heart.  This faith and desires decide his(her) life.


In today's text, the blind beggar had heard that the Messiah had come . . . God in flesh! And that Messiah had a name Jesus. Wisps of these rumors had been circulating throughout all of Palestine. And then . . . he heard that Jesus was in the crowd . . . right in front of him.

The blind man in our story couldnt VERIFY with his eyes that this really was Jesus. I mean . . . he had never seen Jesus. He had never seen any of Jesus miracles. He had never SEEN anyone healed by Jesus . . . he was blind!

He had to CONSIDER TESTIMONY OF OTHERS . . . that this really was Jesus . . . and that Jesus would do something for him. Now . . . let me ask you . . . do you think everyone that spoke to the blind beggar was a reliable source? Do you think everyone the blind beggar listened to was a theologian? Do you think they had the deep things of God figured out?


Although he was blind and begger, he longed for the soul and had great faith and hope in it.  So, he cried like last chance in his life.  It was time he had to show the faith he had.

The blind man had called out to the Son of God asking for compassion, mercy, pity. But not for the intangible ways of emotions. His awareness is of God's actions in the past, present, and future. By calling upon the Lord's anointed he was seeking a characteristic of God. "Save me with your loving mercy."

This means we need to clarify what were asking God to do, and then state it. A secret faith is a shallow faith, because if nobody knows then we can back out it at any time.

Bartimaeus said, Rabbi, I want to see.

But why did Jesus ask what Bartimaeus wanted? They guys blind and begging. The needs are obvious, and besides, Jesus already knew the need before He asked. So why ask?


Jesus was doing it for Bartimaeus benefit. He was allowing Bartimaeus to announce his faith.  In essence, Bartimaeus was saying, I believe You are the Son of God, and I believe you have the power to heal and change me. Bartimaeus stated his faith.

Jesus is asking us the same question. What do you want Me to do for you? If Jesus were to come right now and ask that question, how would we answer?

God wants to use us, bless us, and to change our lives. He wants to do incredible things in our lives and in the church, things we cant even imagine.

Jesus said to Bartimaeus, Go your way, your faith has healed you. Immediately Bartimaeus received his sight, He accepted Gods grace for his life.

Although Bartimaeus was blind, he had enough vision to see that Jesus was the only one who could help him. He had enough vision to see he needed Gods grace.

Spiritual blindness is far worse than physical blindness, because it keeps us from receiving Gods grace, not only for salvation, but also for the daily mistakes we make along the way. And without Gods grace well remain stuck in the past, stuck in our present, and stuck without a grace-filled future.

Gods grace and forgiveness is available for everyone who wants and needs a fresh start.

We are then to take advantage of the opportunity, by faith face our fears, state our faith and receive Gods grace.

We need to start believing Gods promises for our lives and then move forward in those promises.

We need to take that next step. God isnt finished in taking us farther into the faith, and as we see there is always greater grace and faith needed to live this life.


If we dont move forward by faith then our hearts will grow colder and well feel more distant from God. So lets take that next step, no matter how small or insignificant it may be. 

 I think this is more than enough.  Let's make a conclusion.  This season, Thanksgiving asks some basic questions.  As I mentioned earlier, this is the season to Give and show thanks to your God and your people.  This is also the season to start a lasting legacy for the benefit of now and in the future.   

An scholar once wrote; the life I live today will be lived over and over again through those I touch.  I chose to give the gift of joy and hope so the hands I hold today will smile in triumph and trials tomorrow.

Jesus is passing by. Step out by faith believing and trusting in God. The time is short so make that fresh start tonight.

Lets give and show our thanks to all.  May God abundant bless all of you. 


112517/ By pastor ji yong whang