영어설교(English sermons)

Things That Hinder Our Growth

호걸영웅 2014. 8. 19. 04:08

Things That Hinder Our Growth


Text:  Matthew 6:24 ”No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”




·         Our redemption was made complete at Calvary, when Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, "It is Finished!" (John 19:30).

·         He told us that the provision for man's reconciliation with God was complete.  Nothing more need to be done.

·         Man needed only to hear the Word, accept it, and place his hope and trust in Christ.


But if the redemption we enjoy is complete, why do we so often fail to see the changes in our lives we long for?  Why do we wrestle day after day with same temptation?  Same failures?  And the same distractions?  Why can't we break free and move on toward maturity?  Because . . .


1.    We fail to recognize our enemy

2.    We fail to completely trust in God and His Word

3.    We fail to serve the one True Master



We Need To Recognize Our Enemy


We believe in the existence of God, but do not believe in the existence of Satan.


Many Believers see Satan as:

a)    An influence

b)    Power or force from the "dark" side . . .

c)    But do not see him as a "being" or a "person"


The Bible says?

Þ    Temptation of Jesus by Satan:  (Matt. 4:10)

à        “The devil led Him . . .  The devil said to Him . . .”

à        Jesus replied, “Away from me, Satan!”

Þ    Account with Peter:  (Mark 8:33) Mount Transfiguration

à        Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan!”( Jesus pointed Peter’s humanistic concern who did not see God’s greater redemptive plan)

Þ    Peter 5:8, “Devil prowls about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour!”


In Africa . . . the lions devour the young, the ill, the weak & the alone

Discovery Channel (raising of hair—appearance of bigger size, defensive move—confusion to enemy, & grouping—mass size & can’t isolate one)

That is why a good fellowship of Believers is important!


We Need To Completely Trust In God's Word!


Most Christians believe in God, but not in what He says.


Jesus explains this in the "Parable of the Sower" (Mark 4:1-25), that the sower goes out to sow . . .

1.    Some fell beside the Road and the birds came and ate it.

2.    Some fell on Stony Ground, which had no root therefore sprang up quickly but died (scorching of the sun).

3.    Those that fell amongst Thorns, they grew but were choked.

4.    Those that fell on Good Soil yielded a crop of 30, 60, & 100 times.


Explanation:  "Seed" is God's Word . . .

1.    Road -- they hear (ear-drums move) -- in one ear and out the other & satan takes it away.  (Charlie Brown)

2.    Rocky -- they hear and receive it with joy, but failed to listen.  At the first sign of trouble, they forget God's Word & it parishes.  (Funny Korean Revival)

3.    Thorns -- they hear (it means something to them), but the worries of life, the deceitfulness of riches are greater & they choke to death.

4.    Good soil -- hear the word, accept it, then apply it.  They experience growth!


We need to learn to listen to God's Word!  Only then can we begin to grow and mature.



We Need To Serve the one & only True Master!


Matthew 6:24 -- "No one can server two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other . . . you cannot serve God and mammon."


We are like a monkey with his hand trapped inside the coconut shell clutching a fist full of peanuts.  The monkey wants freedom and peanuts, but he cannot have both.  He must leave the peanuts if he wants to get away.  As a matter of fact, he will lose both if he hangs on too long.


We are caught in a similar bind.  We long to be free of earthly entanglements to serve God in the Spirit.  Yet we cling to something in our life that hinder us from our spiritual growth.


We must learn to “Let Go” and "Let God!"







One day we are born . . . Satan through despair, makes us fall off the cliff . . . then he give us false hope, identity, & security (the branch) to hang on to . . . then one day, we discover God (Jesus Christ) . . . and we extend our arms to Him and hang on . . . But we fail to let go of the branch.  Therefore we feel the tension, the pain, the traumas of our life!


What is you branch?  Your false hope?  Your false identity?

Is it earthly desires?  Unholy habits?  Lust of money and riches?  etc . . .


No matter how difficult it may be, you need to Trust God and Let Go!


by pastor; Oh,yun-seok  08/17/14