영어설교(English sermons)

Proof Dinosaurs and Humans Coexisted:Job 41: 1, 12-34

호걸영웅 2016. 6. 18. 07:50

Proof Dinosaurs and Humans Coexisted:

The Story of the Bible and Dinosaurs


Job 41: 1, 12-34

1 “Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope?

12 “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs, its strength and its graceful form.

13 Who can strip off its outer coat? Who can penetrate its double coat of armor?

14 Who dares open the doors of its mouth, ringed about with fearsome teeth?

15 Its back has rows of shields tightly sealed together;

16 each is so close to the next that no air can pass between.

17 They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted.

18 Its snorting throws out flashes of light; its eyes are like the rays of dawn.

19 Flames stream from its mouth; sparks of fire shoot out.

20 Smoke pours from its nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds.

21 Its breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from its mouth.

22 Strength resides in its neck; dismay goes before it.

23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable.

24 Its chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone.

25 When it rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before its thrashing.

26 The sword that reaches it has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.

27 Iron it treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood.

28 Arrows do not make it flee; slingstones are like chaff to it.

29 A club seems to it but a piece of straw; it laughs at the rattling of the lance.

30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.

31 It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.

32 It leaves a glistening wake behind it; one would think the deep had white hair.

33 Nothing on earth is its equal— a creature without fear.

34 It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud.”




1. Of those who deny the Bible, God and Creationism, the ones who believe in evolution are the most prominent. Evolutionists believe and teach that dinosaurs only existed 65 million years ago.


But if we look at the book of Job in the Bible, we can see that the dinosaurs existed even when Job was written. The details mentioned in this chapter are those of first-hand observation, not of second-hand recollections. “Breathing fire” and “stirring the seas” are images depicting the power and grandeur of the Leviathan, most likely a dinosaur living in that time.


To evolutionists, the description in Job 41 seems like a fantasy gone wild in the writer’s head. The book of Job is estimated to have been written around 950 BC during the time of Solomon. So, did dinosaurs really exist during this time? Is there even proof?


This is certainly an interesting question. Did dinosaurs really only exist 65 million years ago? Or were they still around coexisting with humans just before Jesus’ arrival? Let us take a close look to find the answers.



A) Dinosaurs in Murals and Art

First, let us take a look at the murals and art that depict creatures incredibly similar to the physical appearance of dinosaurs.


The first image is from a Mesopotamian cylindrical seal used in 3,300 BC. It appears as though dinosaurs, the Apatosaurus, are carved into the seal. The carving and the image of the Apatosaurus are very similar. An Egyptian painter also painted the Apatosaurus with great attention to its realistic muscle definition.

http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060903_14.jpg http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060903_15.jpg

This is a Roman mosaic from 200 AD. Here, we see two sea dinosaurs with long necks. Creationist Paul Taylor believed that the Romans illustrated what they saw and the dinosaurs in the mosaic are the Tanystropheus, a sea dinosaur with webbed feet.


This is another mosaic from the 2nd century AD (100 AD) called, “The Nile Mosaic of Palestrina.” This mosaic illustrates the Nile River, which flowed from Ethiopia to Egypt. The artwork shows an animal being hunted by dark-skinned men, leading us to conclude that the creature was from Africa. The writing above in Greek says, “KROKODILOPARDALIS.” Translated, this means, “crocodile-leopard.” This is merely a small part of a larger work of art, and in other parts there are clear images of crocodiles, hippos, and other well-known animals of the time. (Finley, The Light of the Past, 1965, p. 93.)

http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060903_17.jpg http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060903_18.jpg

The following photo is from the walls of the Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah. It was drawn around 400-1300 AD by the Anasazi Native Americans who were in the area at the time. We can take this as proof that even the Native Americans saw living dinosaurs during their lifetime.

http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060903_19.jpg http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060903_20.jpg

This petroglyph was found in the Havasupai Canyon in Arizona. It appears to depict an Edmontosaurus.


There are many Aboriginal legends in Australia that mention a monster with a long neck, huge form, and fins, much like a plesiosaur. The oldest of the Kuku Yalanji natives in the northernmost part of Queensland, Australia still speak of a creature they call “Yarru” or “Yarrba” that lived in water and would appear on rainy days. The image above illustrates a beast similar to a plesiosaur and even shows its inner organs, meaning this creature had been hunted and caught by Aboriginals and not mere stories.


In the deep jungles of Cambodia lie the remains of an ancient Khmer civilization, including beautiful palaces and temples. Among these temples is the Ta Prohm which contains countless statues and engravings. one column in the Ta Prohm is a carving of what looks like a stegosaurus. How could a Buddhist temple created and decorated 800 years ago have an illustration of a stegosaurus? How could the artists know what a stegosaurus looks like when western science only started excavating dinosaur fossils 2 centuries ago? It makes sense to assume the carvers saw a stegosaurus themselves and engraved the image into a column.


This next illustration is from a 17th century German booklet about the dangers of witches and magic. The drawing above shows witches setting a house on fire. In the upper middle of the picture we can see flying animals with odd head combs and tails that appear to be pterosaurs. Many believe that the pterosaurs illustrated made sounds similar to pterodactyls. In 1793, a superintendent said that people in the area claimed to see dragons flying from the north to the east between the end of November, and the beginning of December.

 http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060904_03.jpg http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060904_04.jpg

In 1924, a sword with a clear dinosaur engraving was discovered in Tucson, Arizona. The pottery below also has a detailed portrayal of a dinosaur, as if someone had actually seen it.

    http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060904_02.bmp http://www.creation.or.kr/dataroom/library/20060904_03.bmp

"Recent discovery of fossilized sauropod (diplodocid) skin impressions reveals a significantly different appearance for these dinosaurs. The fossilized skin demonstrates that a median row of spines was present... Some were narrow, some were wide and more conical in shape.” (Geology, 'New Look for Sauropod Dinosaurs,' December, 1992)

The photo on the right are clay figures that were discovered by German Waldemar Julsrud in Acambaro, Mexico at the foot of the El Toro Mountain. More than 33,000 of these baked ceramic figurines were discovered where the Chupicuaro civilization stood from 800 BC to 200 AD, meaning the Chupicuaro saw these creatures and transcribed them into the form of clay figures. These figures would later help prove that some sauropods had spinals frills.

Evolutionists claim dinosaurs have evolved, and are continuing to evolve, over the past 65 million years. But the truth is, if this were fact then fossils showing the “transition” of dinosaurs over the years should have been found, but no such “transitional fossil” has yet been discovered.


B) Dinosaurs are discovered in the 20th century.

The two photos below show clear evidence of the recent existence of dinosaurs.


The first is a plesiosaur-like creature that was discovered on the shores of the California coast. Though the creature is dead, it looks clearly like a dinosaur. This creature was later known as the “California Loch Ness Monster” though much less well-known and actually discovered before the Loch Ness Monster.

http://keepbible.com/data/cheditor/1508/d16.jpg   http://keepbible.com/data/cheditor/1508/_copy6.jpg

The second is a dinosaur found by a Japanese deep-sea fishing ship in 1977 near New Zealand. It was determined to have died 10 days before its discovery and was 10 meters long and weighed 16 tons. The Japanese thought the incident was so fascinating they even created a postage stamp in commemoration.


C) Other evidence

There have been many cases of findings where dinosaur and human footprints were located together. Unless they coexisted, there is no way the footprints could have been fossilized jointly. When things like these are uncovered, evolutionists claim these are alien footprints rather that of a human’s.


Though this was not the first instance, in 2000, dinosaur soft tissue particles were discovered in Montana.


The soft tissue found was relatively recent, so much so that it had still retained its elasticity and researchers could find red blood cells along with DNA remaining. This unbelievable incident was reported and broadcast on “60 Minutes” in 2010. (It can be watched by anyone on YouTube.) Between 1977 and 2010, there have been over 40 instances like these where recent dinosaur soft tissue has been discovered.


With such overwhelming evidence, it’s hard to argue that dinosaurs only existed 65 million years ago. The Bible tells us dinosaurs and humans coexisted. It is a believable truth and it is a truth we must believe.

Cf:Jung dong soo & Kim je wook/ Edit:Ahn,ik sun/translated Yebin Choi Ahn