영어설교(English sermons)

Live Like a Green Olive Tree! (Psalm 52:8-9)

호걸영웅 2016. 8. 10. 10:38

Live Like a Green Olive Tree! (Psalm 52:8-9)


8. 그러나 나는 하나님의 집에 있는 푸른 감람나무 같음이여 하나님의 인자하심을 영원히 의지하리로다

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.


9. 주께서 이를 행하셨으므로 내가 영원히 주께 감사하고 주의 이름이 선하시므로 주의 성도 앞에서 내가 주의 이름을 사모하리이다

I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints.



1. Today we will take a look at what it means to live like a “green olive tree.” During the Choseon Dynasty in Korea, Jun Huh, a famous doctor of the time, wrote “Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine,” where he recorded the medical benefits of licorice roots.


He wrote that licorice roots control the cold, heat, and negative energy of our bodies; regulate the natural functions of our eyes, nose, mouths, ears, and digestive systems; coordinate our circulations and pulse; and provide us with nutrition that will strengthen our muscles and bones.


Not only that, but licorice roots detox your body and contain 72 different minerals and 1200 types of medicinal plant elements, making it extremely effective for curative use.


The licorice root had so many health benefits, Jun Huh called it “the nation’s elder magnate,” meaning it had served its country and continues to selflessly do so from a high and revered position. In other words, the licorice root was considered a vital and crucial medicinal ingredient.


2. In today’s scripture we are introduced to a plant as valuable as the licorice root: the olive tree. David, reflecting on how blessed he was, gave thanks to the Lord and compared himself to a green olive tree and we too must live with faith like one.


But what does it mean exactly to be like an olive tree?  



A) Live as Green as an Olive Tree


1. Verse 8 says, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God…” The word “green” is used to illustrate an image of an energetic and vivacious life of health and youth.


2. It is said that olive trees have incredible endurance and reproduction rates, so they are able to grow in areas filled with gravel or pebbles. Their vitality is so strong it makes them easy to cultivate and they require only the occasional sprinkle of dirt.


Even if it is planted anywhere haphazardly, God’s care allows an olive tree to grow greener, stronger, and more plentiful for hundreds, and even thousands, of years. There are still olive trees over 2000 years old in the Garden of Gethsemane.


The trunks of these trees are so thick, it would take the arm-lengths of several adults to reach around it. Some even believe that these trees were around when Jesus prayed at Gethsemane.


3. Olive trees are a type of spindle tree, so they never lose their green color; they are green all four seasons. Just as the olive tree stays green over hundreds and thousands of years, our faith must also remain green, fresh, and unchanging.


But there are those whose faith flourish then wither, back and forth, over and over. There are those whose faith is feeble, lukewarm, and lethargic. This is not God’s fault, but our own. It is a sign that we depend too much on the world and the ups and downs life brings us greatly influence our attitudes and faith.


The Apostle Paul said that he found a way to be self-sufficient and content by always giving thanks in any circumstance and being thankful for the unwavering love of God and salvation of Jesus Christ. We must also have pride in being God’s children and possess a green faith with thanksgiving and hope.


4. Leader of the New Community Movement, Dr. Tae-young Ryu, published a book titled “I Want to Remain a Young Man of Dreams” when he was over 70-years-old.  Ever since he first met God when he was in 5th grade he had never failed to faithfully communicate with God.


Although he was born into a poor family of a farmer, he had great dreams of bringing financial wealth to the farm. Because he prioritized his time with God, God gave him the miraculous opportunity to study abroad then return to his country as the leader of the New Community Movement. Still today, he lives a youthful life of dreams.


The more difficult times get, the more youthful, green, and spirited our thoughts and faith need to be. Believe that nothing is impossible with Jesus and that believing so brings you healthy and green faith.


5. Even the elderly should have faith in the Lord, and live as David and Caleb did: eager and passionate to go out into the world to do God’s work. With God’s power, even someone over 85, like Caleb, can do wondrous things. Become leaders in missions, servitude, and prayer. Hallelujah!


B) Bear Beautiful Fruit like Green Olive Trees


1. Judges 9:9 tells us, ““But the olive tree answered, ‘Should I give up my oil, by which both gods and humans are honored, to hold sway over the trees?’” Bearing beautiful fruit is an incredibly important job of an olive tree. Without its fruit, it is no different from dead; it has nothing to show for.


Olive trees take about seven years to bear their first fruits. However, once they do so, they will not stop until their dying days. Unless someone cuts it down, olive trees can produce olives for thousands of years if kept healthy.


2. With the Holy Spirit, you will also be given a dream and a mission, whether you are young or old. In God, things do not end because we grow old and have retired. In God, it does not matter who we know or what our jobs were; we are all God’s operatives.


We live to fulfill the duty Jesus assigned to us, not just because we have to. We live to serve God, not to eat and drink good meals. Let us all become believers who bear bountiful fruits of servitude, prayer, evangelism, the Holy Spirit, thankfulness, praise, and mission work. Hallelujah! When we do this, God’s grace and love will overflow in our lives.


3. Take a look at the second half of verse 8, “I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” Why does the olive tree praise the Lord’s mercy? Because God takes special care of the olive tree. He protects it. There are many different types of trees in the world, but God holds precious a tree that bears fruit like the olive tree.


4. Deuteronomy 20:19-20 shows us that olive trees could not be cut down to use for weapons or defense:


19 When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit. Do not cut them down. Are the trees people, that you should besiege them? 20 However, you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.


It was a desperate life-or-death situation, yet the olive tree remained protected. In “The Mishnah” (a redaction of Jewish oral traditions), it is said that olive trees were also not used in burning sacrifices. To be used in a sacrifice in God’s temple would be the greatest honor for a tree. Yet, the tree was not to be used in sacrifices because it was more precious than a sacrifice.


If we become children of God who bear fruit of the Spirit like an olive tree, it means that we too will receive the special care and protection of God. Bear bountiful fruit in God’s faith. Hallelujah!


C) We Must Produce Precious Oil Like a Green Olive Tree


1. Olive trees bear olive fruit from which we can produce olive oil. This olive oil is valued and has many uses. It is used for cooking, lighting oil lamps, treating illnesses, oiling machinery, and even as beauty products. Olive oil is one of the world’s healthiest food items.


A CEO who was almost 100 years old revealed that the secret to his longevity was olive oil. The world’s oldest formally recorded woman, Jeanne Calment, lived to be 122-years-old and also said her secret was consuming olive oil. It is said that olive oil brings one long life, and being able to consume it with our daily meals is a blessing.


2. Another factor that makes this oil precious is that it was used as Holy oil in God’s Holy temple. Anointing objects and people with this oil made it/them holy. only through anointment could one become a priest, king, or prophet. It was this oil that also lit dark temples.


The uses of olive oil represent the anointment of the Holy Spirit today. It is the reason behind why we must yearn for God’s grace and bear fruit of the Spirit. We must be graced by the Holy Spirit to become holy. Hallelujah!


D) How Can We Become Like Green Olive Trees?


1. The olive tree and olive oil symbolize the Holy Spirit. So, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. How do we do that? We do so by living our lives before God. This is why verse 8 tells us, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God,” and then mentions God’s house and temple. David lived his life yearning and serving God and his temple, loving His Word, and always giving worship.


2. Psalm 92:12-15 also says, “12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; 13 planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. 14 They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, 15 proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”” Hallelujah!


 3. We must also love and serve God’s temple. We must also love to worship Him. Not only do we need to worship Him on Sundays here at church, but we must make it a daily habit. Dedicate yourself to reading and meditating on His word everyday.


God pours His grace upon those who come before Him with humility and awe. When David was young, he spent hot days and cold nights outside tending his sheep, but he never stopped praising the Lord with thanksgiving. The members of the First Church lived in poverty and persecution, but they still worshipped God, putting their lives at risk everyday. Hallelujah!



Place your efforts into receiving and being filled with the Holy Spirit like an olive tree. Let your faith become one that remains green and healthy even when it is scorching hot or freezing cold. Bear fruit of the Spirit and pray to be anointed by the Spirit.


It is very hot outside these days. It is weather like this that makes it easy for us to become lazy in our life of faith. But Jesus lived his entire 33-years of life in a place hotter than this with no electric fans or air conditioning.


Yet he still displayed and exemplified green, fresh, and healthy faith. Spend this week, not complaining about the hot sun, but rather praying, praising, and loving God, doing His good work and serving Him. Hallelujah!


<translated by yebin choi Ahn>