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불 속이라도 들어 가서 / 영어가사

호걸영웅 2020. 2. 23. 10:54

불 속이라도 들어 가서 / 영어가사

Even though into the fire 

1. While wandering around the sinful world
Heaven and hell, I didn't know.
A world of stubbornness.
Now I know why it's so dirty.

2. At the word of the Lord who spared the prodigy,
I buried the sinner's leg.
Son, get up and grab my hand
Give me all the rest of my soul.

3. Jesus ascended the Golgoda Hill
I'm calling for a harvest worker.
The rough sea, the rough mountain blood.
Cross. I will lose. I will win.

Even though into the fire
The world will be full of you
the love of God