영어설교(English sermons)

An old man feeds two million on his own!(Exodus 2:11~15)

호걸영웅 2014. 12. 21. 04:12

An old man feeds two million on his own!(Exodus 2:11~15)


11 And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren.

12 And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.

13 And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow?

14 And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.

15 Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.




1. CEO of Samsung, Mr. Gunhee Lee said this, “A genius can feed 1 million people on his own.”


In  North Carolina in1903, two genius brothers, the Wright brothers, were the first to successfully build and fly an airplane. Following their success, the business realm of planes boomed.


In Seattle, the Boeing Company has tens of thousands of people making planes. Millions of people make their living because of planes and airlines: pilots, flight attendants, company employees, airline employees, etc.

Millions of people found a job because of the two Wright brothers. one genius truly can feed millions.


In October of 1879, inventor and genius Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Today, there is no place that does not use light bulbs; in one house alone there are probably then or twenty lighting it. Imagine how many people are able to live because of this or are able to make a living with it! Billions of people are able to live because of Thomas Edison and this one invention.


What about Henry Ford? Countless people are making a living through and with cars, the assembly line, and mass production.


2. Taking these examples into consideration, if we look at the Bible, we can see how great Moses is and how so many people found freedom because of him. It is nothing short of astounding.

When Moses led the 2 million Israelites out of Egypt, he was an old man of 80 years old. This old man freed the Israelites from 400 years of slavery, led them through the desert and into the Promised Land of Canaan, keeping them fed, watered, and clothed during the journey for 40 years. An 80 year-old man did this alone for 2 million people. Even the oldest and weakest man can accomplish such greatness with God beside him.


A) one man’s dream fed and gave life to 2 million people


1. The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years.

Hence, no one had ever dared to dream of their freedom. It was probably deemed as impossible. However, at the age of 40, Moses began to hope and dream of freeing the Israelites.

Acts 7:22-23 says, “22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.

23 And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.”


However, this dream failed because of his temper. After seeing one of the Egyptians fighting with an Israelite slave, Moses kills the Egyptian in rage, and then buries him in secret. But his crime is revealed and Moses flees to the desert.


Our own tempers often get in the way of ourselves. There is even a Korean proverb that says, “You’ll burn down a house trying to catch a tick.”


 However, for Moses, his failed dreams became a reality at the old age of 80. His dream freed 2 million people after 400 years of slavery. Look at how powerful one man’s dream can be!


2. God had called on the father of Israelites, Abraham.

Genesis 13:14-17 says, “14 And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:

15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.

16 And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.

17 Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.”

The dream God gave to Abraham has today become the dream of 20 million Israelites. This is Zionism.


3. Even today, the Israelites live with the dream Abraham had.

Israel had become a constant target and battleground for foreign nations. During WWI, merely 25,000 Israeli people were living in Canaan. But those who had been driven out never gave up and never stopped believing that it was their rightful land, and through Zionism they actively fought to go back to their home.

During WWII, in Palestine, some extremist Arabs claimed that they would not rest until every Jew was thrown into the ocean. To this the Israelites proclaimed, “God created this world. All the land in it is His. This is the land that God has given us; no human on Earth and speak otherwise. We will live in the land God gave us, and we will stay there until the Messiah returns.”


After WWI, when conflicts were growing severe in the Middle East, the British stepped in and said, “Israel! We have much land! So much so that the sun never sets on us! Uganda is big enough for all of you. Go live there and rebuild Israel in Uganda!” But the Israelites rejected the offer, no matter how big or plentiful the land may be.


The country of Israel today is small enough to travel from one end to the other in merely 3 hours. And yet, the Israelites rejected all offers for bigger and better land. “God promised us blessings in Canaan, not Uganda. We cannot go to Uganda. Even if there is conflict and war, we will stay here in the land God gave Abraham.”


B) one man’s faith fed and gave life to 2 million people.


1. When Pharaoh promised Moses to free the Israelites, Moses immediately led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert. This desert was a harsh environment with nearly nothing to drink or eat.

Moses knew this, and yet he led 2 million people straight into it because he knew and had faith that God would lead them. And God led them and kept them safe and for 40 years He gave them quail and manna from the sky every morning. No one died from thirst or hunger for 40 years. It is an amazing miracle.


 Things did not get easier though. After this desert, another followed, one that had nothing except sand, water, and the burning sun. Yet God made water flow from a rock. Can you imagine that? For 40 years God gave them everything they needed from food and water, to shelter, and to clothes and shoes. (Deuteronomy 29:5)


An old man kept 2 million people alive on his own. He may have been an old weak man, but his faith was stronger than any young person’s and it was this faith that gave those 2 million people life. We can never emphasize enough out powerful and important one person’s faith can be.


2. Let us consider the prostitute, Rahab. This one woman’s wisdom and faith saved her entire family from being destroyed by war. She even became an ancestor of Jesus Christ.


We cannot underestimate the power of one person. We cannot forget that one person can change a family’s fortune, bring peace to society, revive a nation and change the course of history.


C) one man’s prayer brought victory to 2 million people in war.


1. Not only this, but we must not underestimate the power of one person’s prayer.


The first war the Israelites fought, after escaping Egypt and the desert, were the Amalekites. The war took place in Rephidim. Being an old man, Moses could not grab a sword and fight. But what he could do was pray. Thus during the battle, Moses stood on top of a mountain, looked down on the war taking place below him, raised his arms, and prayed. As Moses prayed and kept his arms raised, the Israelites would be winning, but when his arms were down they would lose.


 Seeing this, Aaron and Hur stood on either side of Moses and held his arms so they would not fall. In the end, the Israelites won. The fate of the Israelites had been in the hands of Moses and his prayer. At the place where he stood and prayed, Moses built an altar of stone and named it “Jehovahnissi” meaning “The Lord is My Banner”. one old man’s prayer gave victory to 2 million people. Let us all become people of this kind of prayer.


2. There is an orphanage where a woman, the director, feeds and houses hundreds of orphans. But money finances were bad and children were growing hungry. The director had no choice but took a collection box and went out to the streets. one day, she came across an area full of bars and adult entertainment. She decided to try her luck there and entered one of the bars. She approached one of the tables with people drinking countless bottles of alcohol worth hundreds of dollars. The director held out her box and said, “Please help the orphaned children. Hundreds of children are dying of hunger. Anything will help.”

At this, one of the men that was merrily drinking threw his drink in her face in annoyance. Immediately the bar became quiet and everyone was looking at the director. Despite her fury, she kept herself calm. She merely smiled and said, “Sir! You gave me beer. Now, what will you give to the starving orphans?”


Silence continued in the bar. Then, an old man that had been drinking slowly got up, put some money into the collection box, and left. one by one each person in the bar stood up and donated their money. Even the man who had thrown his drink approached the director, cried, and emptied his entire wallet while saying “Madam! I am ashamed. I am so sorry. I truly respect you and what you are doing.”


One woman’s prayer and sacrifice fed hundreds of orphans.


One person is incredibly important. A genius can feed a million people. The dream of just one ordinary person can reach countless people, touch them, and give them new life.




1. one old man’s faith fed 2 million people for 40 years. one old man’s prayer can give victory to 20 million people. Each and every one of us can see and create miracles as amazing as these if we walk with God.


Every single person here is great. Your family can live because of you. Your country and revive because of you. No one can take your place. The only thing that stands your way is yourself and your will to give yourself to God and be used by Him for greater things.


2. Take a look at Jesus Christ who gave himself completely to God. Through this one man every single person in the world through history received salvation. The door to salvation was opened. The door to Heaven was opened. The door the a world of truth and peace was opened. Because of Jesus, the country we live in right now, the United States of America, was built and raised.


What kind of person should we be? We must be diligent, dedicated, and honest. Even today God is looking for such a person.


When God asks, “Who will go for me?” we must respond, “Lord, I will go! Send me!” as Isaiah did.

We must give ourselves to Him for Him! We must go forth for Him! We must bring him joy! We must worship Him in truth and earnest! We must love one another as we love ourselves! We must love God with passion and honesty!

This is who God is looking for. Be the person He is looking for. Let us all become people God is looking for.