설교모음(Korean sermons)

Let’s be a Loyal Worker(계2:8-11)

호걸영웅 2013. 2. 6. 01:43

Let’s be a Loyal  Worker(2:8-11)

“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write,

‘These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life:

 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

11 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”’

I’d like to share grace of the lord by giving this sermon titled let’s be a loyal worker.


There is a word 3D jobs.

The word 3D stands for dirty, dangerous, and difficult.
The word 3d came from Manufacturing, mining, construction industry etc in other word, the word 3d referring to all those difficult kinds of industry. In fact it’s really hard to work in these kind of jobs for everybody.

Most of people, called lucky person who are eating well, dressed fine and have a good house, and leisurely live life.

When you see the human history they think the same way as other people. There are white color and blue color in this world. Which implies labor and office work. In every culture people think who works in office has better job than labor.

Then, what is really lucky person’s life? The person who being lazy, eats and play all day?

Now days when we think about unemployment rate, the person who has job might be a lucky person.

2. According to
2 Thessalonians 3:10 it says 10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
Work makes our lives valuable, blessed, and enrich.

Through the work process, our bodies get healthy and make our mind clear. God worked 6 days and on 7th day he took a rest. Therefore the society has more respect to person who works.

A true Christian is a person who can handle the work that has been given.


A) We have to be a church’s worker.
1. Now, think about God’s church. The God’s church expands God’s country through volunteer workers like us. God told us that establish worker in his church and he wants to receive a grace by that work.

What is the purpose of God called us as his workers?

First of all, God wants to share grace and protect believers.

Our Baptist church, depends on what church is, they promote elder or confirm deacon, deaconess, regular deacon, and premier deacon or choir, and Sunday school teacher. Put executives in each position. The reason why God establishes workers in church is to train, and make them volunteer in God’s work. He wants us to fully attribute the glorify him and develop the church in an orderly manner.

2. God said the main purpose of creating a human being is for his glory.

According to Isaiah 43: 7 says Everyone who is called by My name,
Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him

Even if saints don’t have their duty if they work in God’s workplace in church your life will become honorable and blessed.


In God’s church how old you are, how noble you are, and how rich you are become meaningless. In any case you can work in church for God.

God rewards us with precious award.

In bible it says “we eat or drink, or whatever we do, do it for glory of God.”

3. The meaning of edifying
According to Ephesians 4:11-12

11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,

In Ephesians 4:12 the word “edifying” medically means to make a healthy life by setting a broken bone to right place and cures.

“Edifying” also means ‘fixing the broken net and helps to works okay when it use to catch a fish.

Also means ‘capture the criminal and help them to live right life’.

So the church exists to help the people who are weak and need helps.

B) Authorities in church have to have influence about grace and benefits to church members.

Whether the pastor preaches a sermon, or elder deacons rules church, or deaconess takes care of church members, or choirs praise, or Sunday school teacher teaches students, or take position in each organization, if you establish virtue in church and influences grace of God to saints make their souls to be edifying.
There was an author named Thomas Keneally who wrote Shindler’s list, 1982 and his book become a movie and swept the academy prices and become a topic of the day.

During World War 2, the main character name Shindler is a Czech Republic-based German and he was owner of Poland’s manufacturing plant of munitions in Krakow. He purchased bread to feed Jews in the camp for more than just food ration. And he took many risks to save many lives. When they get on Shindler’s list it means getting a salvation to them. So people who found about this they desperately try to get on Shindler’s list so they don’t have to go to Auschwitz camp and get killed.

When Nazi failed, Shindler saved about 1,100 Jews. And they saved Shindler out of the War crimes trial. And later on he got honor to buried in land of Jerusalem.

The kindness earns lives to other people through the scarifies.
Therefore we all have to be kind and beneficial to other believers.

D) Who have position in church have to become a light, and salt of world..
1. In the bible word ‘light and salt’ means ‘moral behavior’.

You have to behave good so people can see our moral behavior and meet our God that we believe. If we don’t love each other and don’t behave good, people who’s out there will make fun of us. Therefore wherever we go we have to stop the cruel mind that trying to take over our Conscience and we have to take and handle the position that gives the change in this corrupt world.


Loyalty to God will be rewarded.

We have to be obey from small thing. Jesus says if you be loyal to small thing then you will also be loyal to big thing in the future.

When David shepherd his father’s sheep in Bethlehem, he was loyal shepherd. Later on he became a king in Jerusalem and he rule he ruled his people loyally.

Joseph was a also loyal worker in Potiphar's house later he became a Egypt, Prime Minister ruled people well.

In Matthew 25:14-30 there is a metaphor about talent,

There was a master and he gave talents to his worker, to someone 5 talents, to someone 2 talents, to someone 1 talent. The person who got 5 and 2 talents they work hard and made profits. So when their master comes back and says good job my loyal servants, you had been loyal to little task so you will join my amusement.


But the person who got 1 talent he buried his talent and did not do any work. So the master said “you pathetic lazy servant did you thought I got it from unplanted with no work? You supposed to take that 1 talent and earn more interest on it and get the money for yourself and me.” So the master took 1 talent from the lazy servant and gave it to servant who had 5 talents and says “the person who has something will get more and become wealthy, the person who don’t have nothing will still lose.”

Therefore even it’s a little and small work we have to be loyal.

Also, have to be faithful. The word faithful has temporal concept.

How much do you be loyal is how long you can be loyal.

Which means don’t be the person that who do your best at the beginning and later on do even less than what you capable of.


The character name Dema from 2 Timothy 4:10 he helped Paul enthusiastically at the beginning and later on, he fall for enjoyment of the world he went to Thessalonians. Dema wasn’t loyal enough to take the task.

There is an unusual tomb in the church called Edenbara in Scotland. The tomb is dog’s tomb. They established tombstone for faithful dog.

After this dog’s owner died, the dog didn’t leave his owner’s tomb for 14years and protect the owner’s tomb until he dies.

What a touching story.

There is a loyal soldier who got shot on his right arm in French war. He had a surgery in French military hospital he had to cut his arm off.

So before surgery the surgeon said “I’m afraid to tell you that you are going to lose your right arm.” So the soldier said “I’m not going to lose my right arm, I’m dedicating my right arm to my country.”


Indeed whether we sad or happy, whether someone gives compliment or blame, whether they recognize me or not, we shouldn’t discouraged by that fact we have to dedicate our sacrifices, qualitative, and effort to God for God’s world. So we can be the church members that get a compliment from God that we did good.


Con) sum up the sermon.

"2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful."

1)  Whatever task is for you and even if it's a small thing you have to be loyal instead being careless.

2)  Let’s be always loyal and faithful as ever.

3)  Even the circumstances get tougher let’s be loyal and faithful for forever.

So hope we all can be the God’s loyal servants who can handle the duty of light and salt in church and have beneficial influence all across the world. And get precious award from God in this life and after life with joy.